United States-centric sites:
The American Nazi Party – The most important site on the internet.
Note: the ANP can also be found at GAB and Telegram
Amerika Erwache! – old blog banned by Google, via the Wayback Machine.
The Patriot Portal – Links to great content and other Aryan-centric resources
Frontline Archives – A really nice selection of Third Reich music available for purchase and download from the wonderful people at PzG.

The Occidental Observer – a great resource with first-class information and fantastic articles.
Volk Talks – Podcast on spotify exploring the issues of today through the lens of National Socialism.
Blood & Soil Radio – Audio exploration of National Socialism and how it relates to events, both current and historical. – A growing social network site to meet, chat, and be with others who think like we do.
Charley Reese Archives: A journalist actually worth reading. Much missed.

Europe and the world:
Der III. Weg – (The Third Way): A German National Socialist site/organization (I know, can you believe it?). The site is in German. There are translation links at the top of the page for English and other languages. However, I can’t say I’m impressed with the translation engine it is uses. I recommend using that automatic translation to get a feel for what any given article is about, then cut-and-paste the original German into a dedicated translation page like or
Heritage and Destiny – A U.K. based effort. How they’re getting away with it in the current neo-communist Muslim controlled state of Britain is beyond me. A good read.