Short delay. In the meantime…
Offering an apology for the delay in posting, and a “soft announcement” of the wonderful…
Our disappearing children
How the declining US birthrate is catastrophic for Whites.
Schnell Post: JITN
A short, stunning example of how a tiny minority influences the world.
Kanada Erwache!
Canada Awake! The importance of Germanic culture in Canada and how it is being erased….
The Long Game
From time to time, the so-called “news” is peppered with stories of some person performing…
The Department of Homeland Insecurity
In researching the numbers on the invasion of illegals in this country, I was surprised…
Schnell Post: The Longest Hatred
A brief musing on how antisemitism is nothing new, contrary to the media narrative.
Backdoor Reparations
How our government is already moving forward paying reparations to people of color by funding…
Schnell Post: Niger (nī-jər)
Good news! Our troops are leaving Niger. One less money-pit to maintain and the end…