WikiLies: the agenda-driven encyclopedia exposed
Wikipedia distorts the truth, massages information, and stifles free-speech to further an agenda, all while…
Schnell Post: Take Me Out Of The Ballpark
Getting ready for the annual Black advertising cringe-fest during the World Series: a quick look…
Hitler Did Not Want To Take Your Guns
Gun ownership in National Socialist Germany, and the tired use of Reductio ad Hitlerum to…
Columbus sailed the ocean Jew- or not
Our media uses headlines and sensationalism to trick people into believing Christopher Columbus was Jewish,…
Pennsylvania schools struggle with immigrant surge.
A look at the impact of Haitian immigration on public schools, and how White children…
Beware the Bear: A new Soviet Union?
The Soviet Union…er…Russian Federation is not our friend: their true goals in their own words….
It’s Not Just Us! Welcome to New Mexico
A discovery in New Mexico that not all racism is based in Whiteness. They say…
A New Lost Generation?
Young adult males are increasingly living at home with their parents, struggling for traction and…
Introducing the NeoCon Party
Why Trump has the neoconservatives in a panic, and what they plan to do about…