Amazingly, the AP reported the latest absurdity coming from the toilet bowl formerly known as San Francisco with a fairly even hand.
We can (and probably will at some point) go off on how utterly ridiculous the idea of reparations is. But what caught my eye here was the amount that the (largely black) city council committee on reparations is recommending:
You get the idea. It goes on and on and on… the complete document can be found here.
The estimated cost to each non-negro resident would be…. $600,000. Each.
As a counter-point or argument against the proposal, I offer the following for consideration:
We want this to be fair and equitable, yes? Accordingly, I believe that the amount of the proposed reparations should be reduced by the estimated cost inflicted by Black® rioters over the years on neighborhoods, businesses, and individuals. A complete list of riots and damage would take a great deal of time to sort through, but here are some examples to start with (note: the dollar amounts are adjusted to account for inflation, just as the reparations are):
1965 Watts: $382,000,000
1967 Detroit: $322,000,000
1980 Miami: $182,500,000
1992 Los Angeles: $956,000,000
2020 Floyd/BLM: $1,000,000,000-$2,000,000,000
I assume this includes all of the furniture, TVs, VCRs, and stereo equipment stolen during the riots, but I would need to research that further, to say nothing of the $83,000,000,000 in contributions the Black® Lives Matter© boondoggle.
Lastly, another counter-argument would be:
Amerika Erwache!
Addendum: a random thought:
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