On Immigration and White National Unity

Note: This article was written for an upcoming issue of The White Worker

Have you ever stood on the shore of a lake, the water smooth as glass, and thought “what the heck, I wonder what this will do” as you picked up the biggest boulder you could manage with two hands and heaved it as far as you could into that placid pool? KERPLUUSH! An enormous fountain shoots skyward, a version in miniature of the asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs. Then the column of water falls back on itself as wave after wave ripples across the water in all directions.

The Trump administration is like that.

There has been a big splash. The column rose for a while, but now it is slowly falling back on itself. Only time will tell how far the ripples go, and for how long. Many of his royal decrees, sorry, executive orders, are petering-out against the rocky shore of the judiciary. If “School House Rock” were still around, the famous song we remember from our childhood would need to be rewritten as “Injunction Junction”.

Having little success thus far with his Gaz-a-lago plan in the Middle East, and unable to buy Greenland as a cheap source of minerals for use in Tesla car batteries, Trump tried to broker a peace treaty in Ukraine for those same minerals. That failed too. I guess he will have to take the long way around by working out a peace deal with Russia that includes the Ukrainian mineral fields, then buy them from Russia. Trump hates having to work with a middle-man. Or so it seems.

Either this is smoke-and-mirrors as he angles for a deal, or he is an idiot: Asset manager BlackRock and global banking firm JPMorgan were cued up and ready to move into Ukraine with their $500 billion Ukrainian Development Fund. Then…poof. Evidently not adequately kissing orange backside, Zelenskyy was forced to hop across the pond to finish the conversation in London, where everything played out pretty much as it would have anyway: he replaced declining military support from the US with promises of support from the UK and France (…okay…trying not…to swing at the…low hanging fruit here…ugh!), and hinted that maybe, just maybe, the mineral deal (and the BlackRock Fund) will go forward anyway.


I was worried BlackRock, JPMorgan, and Tesla wouldn’t get a chance to benefit from these shenanigans. Personally—and this is just yours-truly speculating here—I think they obviously gamed it: Everyone got what they wanted, and now Trump can go to Putin and say, “See, I tried to rein this guy in, but he’s off the hook. You gotta work with me here…”.

I hate politics.

But all is not lost. There is good news too. Some of those ripples from “The Big Splash” were just the sort of wave action we’ve been hoping for: official acknowledgment of two genders, and only two; making English the official language (which sounds like a big deal, until one remembers that more than 30 states have already designated English as their official language), but at least Border Patrol agents won’t have to learn the Spanish equivalent of “Can I see your green-card, please”.

Continuing with that subject, more good news: Illegal immigration appears to be down, substantially: for example, in the third week of February, illegal border crossings were down 94%, with an average of 285 apprehended, compared to 4,800 over the same time in the previous year. The expression “apprehended” always makes me a little uneasy, as it begs the question “okay, how may weren’t apprehended”, but we’ll go with it for now. And the trend appears to be heading in the right direction: There were 47,000 migrant apprehensions in December, Biden’s last full month in office, and that number dropped to 29,000 in January. Yeah! If we’re not making America White Again (and at our current birth-rate, were not), at least we’re making it brown more slowly.

This much he could do without running afoul of that whole “separation of powers” idea that the lefties suddenly remembered existed, now that their puppet is not in office. Unfortunately, some of Trump’s other royal decrees, sorry, executive orders, have run into that “Injunction Junction”: out of 91 decrees, 21 are currently blocked, 60 are pending court action, and only 10 have been left in effect. But now he can go back to those who voted for him and say, “See, I tried to rein these guys in, but they’re off the hook! You gotta work with me here…”.

Yes, I hate politics.

Our comrades overseas are not fairing much better, and in some cases worse. While we slowly get our illegal immigrant situation under control—it’s a bit like stopping your boat from sinking: first you plug the leak, then you bail the water out—Britain and the rest of Western Europe are still coming to terms with the fact that their ship-of-state is leaking, badly. To be fair, the average White person is damn well aware of it: as recently as 1991, the population of England was 94% White. Today that percentage hovers around 74%, is falling, and in the last year, only 56% of births in the UK were White. If you are a person walking the streets of any fair sized town or village today, to say nothing of London, Edinburgh, or Dublin, you can’t help but notice that the population is looking less like John, Paul, George, and Ringo, and more like Jamal, Omar, Mohammad, and Kareem.

But with the recent rash of stabbings by “refugees” against Whites in the UK and Ireland, people are increasingly demanding change. In true political fashion, the Labour Party has stepped up and offered the finest lip-service and empty platitudes it can muster. They talked a strong game when Prime Minister Starmer came to power, blaming the preceding government for all of their immigration woes and promising to get it fixed.

“[T]he independent Office of National Statistics has conducted vital work on the state of immigration and found the previous Government were running an open borders experiment. As the ONS sets out, nearly one million people came to Britain in the year ending June 2023. That is four times the migration levels compared with 2019…a failure on this scale isn’t just bad luck, it isn’t a global trend or taking your eye off the ball… This happened by design, not accident.
Policies were reformed deliberately to liberalise immigration. Brexit was used for that purpose to turn Britain into a one-nation experiment in open borders. Global Britain — remember that slogan. That is what they meant. A policy with no support and which they then pretended wasn’t happening.”
Labour Prime Minister Keir Starmer, speech of 28 Nov 2024

Sunak (L) and Starmer (R)

Gosh, and Labour really wants you to believe they are getting it done, now. For example, they boast of deporting 19,000 illegal migrants (as they call them) since they came to power eight months ago. Fantastic! Right!?!

Um, no. Since Labour took power on July 5th, 2024 up to January 31st of this year, the total number of deportations has hit 18,987 – and this number is comprised of failed asylum seekers, foreign criminals and illegal migrants. Of that figure only 5,074 of those deportations are what are classed as ‘enforced returns’, these are people who were forcefully deported. The remaining number – over two thirds of the total – left voluntarily. This number is comprised of migrants who did not have permission to stay in Britain and received payments of up to £3,000 from the government in order to help them resettle abroad.

Yes, that have Those People in England too.

It gets better. It is estimated that there are between 700,000 and 2 million illegal migrants living in Britain – with the media claiming that there’s 585,000 illegal migrants living in London alone. What’s more, there’s also the issue of children born to illegal migrants – estimates suggest that there are up to 144,000 children living in the UK whose parents arrived there illegally. If we take the average, we arrive at 1.35 million illegal immigrants in Britain. Taking into account that Labour have been in power for 30 weeks, that means for each week they have been in power, Labour has deported 633 migrants, or 0.047 per cent of the illegal migrants living in Britain per week. In total, in 30 weeks, Labour has deported 1.4 per cent of the illegal migrants living there. At this rate it would take Labour over 41 years to deport them all… and that doesn’t take into account any children they have while waiting (the 41 years) to be deported.

Or new arrivals.

A conservative estimate says 52,000 illegal immigrants come to Britain each year— 1000 per week. This means that over Labour’s 30-week tenure, one could assume that around 30,000 illegal migrants have entered Britain, which is over 11,000 more than Labour claims to have deported. At this rate, all the illegals in Britain will be deported in exactly- never.

Now for the bad news.

If you were hoping to someday visit the Sceptered Isle, for many of us the land of our forefathers, and rub elbows with people who look like you, sound like you (sort of), and generally exude a comforting degree of Whiteness, you will be disappointed. Illegal immigration is dwarfed by legal migration. At the end of last year, Starmer revealed (any unfiltered statement with a factual basis coming from Downing Street is a revelation) that 1.3 million people came to Britain ‘legally’ in 2023, with net migration reaching a record high of 906,000! In one year. In just over a week, more people migrate legally, and remain in the country, than Labour has deported in 30 weeks.

Or you could just learn F’ing English

Who are these migrants? The 2021 census indicates that record levels of immigration into Britain are from non-Western countries like India, Nigeria, China and Pakistan. And like the Colonies (that is, us), and as noted above, they too have a birth problem: because of the low birth-rate among pure Whites, even if mass immigration were to end tomorrow, the White British share of the population would continue to decrease. In short, White Britons are rapidly headed to minority status, just like Whites in the United States, and the Labour Party is merely trying to convince the public that they are doing something about the problem in order to lull people into a false sense of security.

You’ll note that we have simply been discussing demographic trends and how that increasingly translates into a disappearing White Race and Culture. In a future post, I’ll try to work in some frightening crime statistics. This can actually be surprisingly difficult, as most European countries, especially Britain, no longer even pretend to offer unbiased facts and honor free speech. If it doesn’t fit with their narrative, they aren’t going to tell you. Try googling crime statistics in the UK by race and you’ll see what I mean. But the sheer number of violent acts being perpetrated by so-called “refugees” and “asylum seekers” is making it difficult for the European governments to hide, or ignore.

But there is more to this than a simple Clintonesque “I feel your pain”. The purpose behind calling attention to some of the trails-and-tribulations shared with our European Comrades is to underscore a point: We are in this together. Our White homelands, near and far, are under attacks both overt and covert. And there are two key points I would like to make: First, what our Comrades in Europe are experiencing is the same thing we have been fighting over here- an attempt by globalists to erase our culture, heritage and bloodline in an effort to homogenize the world into one unified market. It makes it easier for the elite to manage their wealth.

And as much as we Americans like to think we are a world unto ourselves, safe from the demographic trends overseas, that our problems are our own, and once solved that will be the end of it, it is important to remember that thanks to the “blessing” of modern travel (to say nothing of multi-national corporations), and the ease with which a person can jump from one country to another, we are no longer insulated from what happens in Europe and Asia. The oceans, once a barrier to the insanity of foreign governments, are nothing more than a minor inconvenience now. All the more so when one considers how the elite, effeminate globalists who control our governments rub elbows on a regular basis in such places Davos, Geneva, and New York.

I’m not saying we should actively engage overseas, trotting hither-and-dither, telling other countries what to do and offering them the blood and treasure of our own nation to solve their problems. On the contrary, as is stated in under the Foreign Policy section of What We Stand For found the Party website: “…We believe that the proper function of an Aryan foreign policy is to serve the needs of our own people. We do not believe that it should be our concern to tell other peoples and countries how to live or manage their affairs, so long as they do not threaten vital Aryan interests.

But, we also cannot ignore what is happening for the reasons noted above: in all likelihood, what happens there will find its way here. Forewarned is forearmed.

Second, we must stand united, for in many ways, we face the same challenges (and often times from the same enemies). I recently read an article on the Council of European Canadians (CEC) website called The Anglo Saxon Race is on the Brink of Extinction, by Arran Ryan. On the whole, it was a fine article, examining in detail the challenges faced by those of predominately Anglo-Saxon heritage both in Britain and Australia. But what really struck me was the unwavering distinction the author makes between “Noridic Anglo-Saxons” and anyone else who would think to consider themselves White:

“There has been little written in racial defense of Anglo-Saxons and the Nordic race from the white nationalist perceptive, since these writers take “whiteness” as a fundamental given, without examining, exactly “how white”…Anglo-Saxon and Nordic racialists have been attacked, in writing and physically across the Anglosphere, by admixture swarthy “white” nationalists, who have been championing a unified white race and see Anglo-Saxonism as a diluting threat to their agenda…To save Anglo-Saxons as an ethno-racial sub-group, “white” diversity too must be opposed.”

I confess I did not know there was a “how white” debate to be had among Whites. But the idea that “white diversity must be opposed” is absurd. As Léon Degrelle says in How Hitler Consolidated Power in Germany and Launched A Social Revolution- The First Years of the Third Reich:

A nation must consist of regions that know and esteem each other, and which gain mutual enrichment from their interlinking, rather than each withdrawing into a culture that is strangled by an exclusive and restrictive provincialism. And only a strong central authority could insure the flowering of all the various regions within a single collective entity. In sum, what Hitler intended was that each region should bring its share of original culture to the totality of a German Reich that had put an [end] to so many fractious administrations.”

Or, as our founder, George Lincoln Rockwell, said in White Self-Hate, the Master Stroke of the Enemy:

This time, there at last exists in this world an organization not dedicated to saving just one PART of the White Race – as the Klan tried and succeeded for a time in saving the South, and the German Nazis tried and succeeded for a while in saving Germany – THIS TIME, the American Nazi Party and the World Union of National Socialists, of which the American Nazi Party is a part, will see to it that the White Race never again lays itself open to brainwashing and defeat by DIVIDING ITSELF…We are living in the last days of the Great White Race, and cannot afford selfhate or division, regardless of the propaganda they pour on us as the reason. WHITE MAN! If you are WHITE – you are my BROTHER!

I suspect the author of the CEC article is an Englishman (or Australian) of Anglo-Saxon descent who feels threatened and overwhelmed by the very issues we’ve been looking at here. Perhaps he feels his needs are being overshadowed by the larger racial challenges we face. That he would want to preserve all that is Nordic or Anglo-Saxon makes sense to me. But it little serves his cause, or any pro-White effort for that matter, to draw unnecessary distinctions among those who are, ultimately, racial brothers and sisters. It is to not see the forest for the trees. I am uncertain why there could not be Anglos here, and Bavarians over there in the next village, and Highlander Scots further on down the road, etc., each enjoying the riches of their tribal culture while being part of greater whole, called the White Race.

As the expression goes, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” We must guard against those who would divide our efforts and weaken our resolve. It’s not a new concept. Maybe you have heard it before, worded slightly differently:

Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer.

Amerika Erwache!


4 responses to “On Immigration and White National Unity”

  1. Warlin Wallace Avatar
    Warlin Wallace

    Another amazing post and enjoyable read. I learn something every time I come here. Thank you!

    1. Johann Rhein Avatar

      Thank you! I learn something every time I write a post.

  2. Dan Schneider Avatar
    Dan Schneider

    Someone once said that only fools fight in a house while the wolf is pounding at the door after both of them. We must stay united against our common enemies. United we stand, divided we die. I changed it a little.

    Mr. Ryan does make a point about all the different sub-races within the greater White race with regards to culture. Mix the Irish and the Italians you are bound to get cross cultural mixing. Personally, I’d rather have corned beef on my pizza than see the White race become extinct. Who knows? Maybe corned beef on pizza might be good.

    1. Johann Rhein Avatar

      Oh absolutely. And I hope no other branch of “White” has given him grief over his Anglo-Saxon heritage. Again, I think acknowledging and even celebrating our differences- the White Diversity he seems to resent- is the key. Let’s toss Cabers at the Highland Games then do a round of masskrugstemmen at the Oktoberfest. Prost!

      It’s a bit like German Shepherds: There are 14(ish) different types (from various lines)- West German Working, American Show, European Show, Saddle Back, Short-haired, Long-haired, etc. But they’re still German Shepherds- not chihuahuas-, and I wouldn’t want to get bit by any of them.

      There’s also the issue of time and intermarriage. There are no “pure blood” Anglo-Saxons in the Isles. The genetic makeup of eastern, central and southern England shows anywhere from 10%-40% Anglo-Saxon heritage. This implies the Anglo-Saxons intermarried and bred with non-Anglo-Saxons pretty much from day one (450 a.d.). A 2015 study in Nature maps it out. Quite interesting actually. And proof we should not get caught up in “my White is bigger than your White” games.

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