There is a lot we could write about this week: the silly drone invasion over New Jersey, the real invasion over the southern border, the fall of Syria, the billion dollars we sent to Ukraine last week, the growing sense of unease around Trump’s cabinet appointments, and so on. But, frankly, I’m a little tired of it all, and you probably are too.
It’s been a long year. Let’s take a step back and look at what is really important this Christmas and remember what we are fighting for: Family.
The essence of National Socialism, the real core of what it is all about, is Community: racial, national, cultural Community. When all of that is combined, we have a Volk. But it starts at home. This is summed up in the fourteen words: “We must secure the existence of our people [community] and a future for White children [home].”
And here’s the good news: it doesn’t cost you a dime.
You wouldn’t know that of course if your sole source of information is some form of electronic media. According to the voices screaming at us from our emails, on the radio, in unsolicited text messages, and the ever annoying pop-up-ads, you would think the meaning of Christmas and your family’s very happiness depends entirely on how many Black Friday deals you managed to score, or how many Amazon-truck deliveries darken your door following Cyber Monday. After all, a billion people in China are depending on you.
Sadly, you wouldn’t be alone if you thought the ghost of Christmas future relied on how deeply into your wallet the ghost of Christmas present can dig: According to Money Digest, Americans are projected to spend $989 Billion on holidays this year. That number is expected to climb to $1.22 Trillion by 2030. Online shopping is expected to run to $297 Billion this year. That’s a lot of Amazon trucks grinding down our pavement, to say nothing of landfills overflowing with plastic packaging and single-use bubble wrap.
Rampant, pointless consumerism is one thing if you can afford it. But it’s another thing entirely if you can’t. And increasingly, Americans can’t.
According to WalletHub, 47% of consumers still carry debt from last holiday season, and purchases this year will only exacerbate the problem: a recent survey found that one-third of consumers are heading into this holiday season carrying at least $5,000 in debt. LendingTree reports that the nation’s collective card balance is a record $1.17 trillion. The average cardholder with debt owes $7,236. We’ll hold-off exploring who is actually profiting from this debt for a later post, but it probably won’t surprise you if you think about it.
I’m not trying to be a Grinch here. I like to give presents. I like to receive presents. Christmas giving goes back a long, long way, as explained in an in-depth look at the real Santa Claus by Dan Schneider on the ANP’s website. And it is just good business sense to try to get your product in front of people when they are looking to buy things.
But it is crucial to remember: that is their agenda. It doesn’t have to be yours. Remember what is important. Remember why we fight. Remember what values you are teaching your children: it’s not about what we spend or give, it’s about why we want to do so in the first place.
As American Nazi Party Chairman Axl Hess said in the recent email announcing this month’s The White Worker:
“I hope that each of you can use this season as a time to reflect on your family and the true value of what you have. The last thing our people need to be doing is buying plastic Chinese junk that eventually sits around going unused. Remember WHY you joined this struggle, and consider the future your children will have if something doesn’t change. As Rocky Suhayda said, “Give the GIFT of CARING and SHARING. When was last time you READ your child a STORY? Or, PLAYED a GAME with them? Or, took time out from the ‘game’ on the boob-tube, or whatever – and actually SPENT some – LONG TERM – QUALITY TIME with them? The same with your SPOUSE. Am I getting through here?”
The whole point of gift-giving is to show we care; a physical manifestation of an inner appreciation. To that end, a hug and a few heart-felt words of kindness and love will go as far—or further and mean more—and last longer.
Being a National Socialist is more than an idea or worldview. It is a way of life. We live what we believe. If you value family; If you want your children to be of strong character and confident in who they are; If you truly feel we must secure the existence of our people, and a future for White children, then ignore those in-your-face-ads, turn off the television, close your wallet, and tell the people around you whom you cherish that you love them, are proud of them, and will continue to fight for them.
It will be a Christmas they remember.
Merry Christmas. Amerika Erwache!
Housekeeping note: In keeping with the spirit of Christmas, there will be no post next week so we can spend time with our families. We plan to return the following week with a special year-in-review post.
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