Pennsylvania schools struggle with immigrant surge.

One of the stated goals of this blog is to view the events of today through the lens of National Socialism. A recent story out of Pennsylvania could serve as a poster-child for this mission.

The Daily Caller published an article on October 10, 2024 discussing one aspect of the recent Haitian immigration surge often overlooked by the Legacy Media, but of real and dire impact to those affected.

Their premise is simple:

A massive influx in non-English speaking students in Pennsylvania is overwhelming school districts across the state, and the logistical strain on administrators could be leaving other students behind.

They actually soft-peddled that a little bit: there is nothing “could” about it. Native English speakers are being left behind. Period.

The article is an informative read and I recommend it. To the authors’ credit, from an journalistic point-of-view they do a good job relating the story of how the recent flood of immigrants has impacted local schools in a specific area without any overt racial overtones. Facts are, after all, facts. Unfortunately, the facts are damning, and when viewed through the lens of National Socialism, very racial.

As the article points out, since Sleepy Joe and The Kackler took office, the number of English Language Learners (ELL)- that is, students who are immigrants or children of immigrants and for whom English is not their first language- has risen 40%. Of the 500 school districts in Pennsylvania, 62 have seen a 100% increase in ELL, and another 68 districts have seen an increase of at least 50%.

This dramatic increase plays havoc with school resources, both in staffing and financial cost. They give an example: One White parent’s daughter with special needs was enrolled to be in the local Head Start program (for those unaware, Head Start is a Pre-K program that caters to students with disabilities or those from low-income families which helps them “hit the ground running” once they begin schooling. It’s a good program). But thanks to the recent surge in immigrants, it was not to be:

Two weeks before Head Start was set to begin, [the school] contacted me and told me my child was not allowed to attend because of all of the immigrants coming in,” she said. The school was forced to knock her daughter out of the program in order to accommodate more than 20 new Haitian students who came from low-income households.

Think about that for a moment. Let it sink in. The needs of a tax-paying White American family living in a small town were tossed out the window to accommodate those who have never paid taxes, are not from our culture or country, and who have no vested interest in our society.

This is not an accident. In June of this year, the Biden administration (that is, whoever is pulling Biden’s strings to make his mouth move) declared “temporary” protected status for Haitians who arrived in the U.S. on or before June 3, 2024, preventing deportation even for those who had entered the country illegally. As of 2023, the number of Haitian immigrants in the U.S. topped 731,000, representing nearly 6.5% of Haiti’s population.

As previously mentioned, the impact is not only one of staffing, but of money. According to the article, the Charleroi Area School District spent $105,000 on English learners before Biden took office. This year they are spending $505,000. A 380% increase!

To put that in context, Charleroi has a population of around only 4,000 people.

Other districts are also mentioned: Shaler has seen a 466% increase in its ELL population. Shippensburg is up 280%. “The surge in migrant children — and the allocation of resources to accommodate them — has led to some other, native children falling behind.”

The parent mentioned above whose child who was bumped from the Head Start program says her daughter will now likely have to redo kindergarten.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying Haitians and other immigrants shouldn’t be educated. I’m saying they shouldn’t be here in the first place. Certainly not in the uncontrolled numbers that have been allowed. And they certainly should not be put before the children of American born citizens. As the American Nazi Party says, “We must have an all-White National Socialist America; an America in which our children and our grandchildren will play and go to school with other White children.” In such an America, your children would not be moved to the back of the line while non-English speaking immigrants are escorted to the front, all expenses paid (by you).

Ultimately, this isn’t about Haitians. It could just as easily be Mexicans, Venezuelans, Algerians, Nigerians, etc. It’s about how the needs of White children are being ignored and subordinated for the needs of peoples who do not share our culture, or heritage, or our race– at our expense. What is happening in Pennsylvania, and across the nation is, in a word, the antithesis of National Socialism. It is, really, about the 14 words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

To help combat this pervasive attempt to dilute our people, join the ANP, or, if you already have, remember to send in your monthly dues. We are in this together.

Amerika Erwache!

One response to “Pennsylvania schools struggle with immigrant surge.”

  1. Dan Schneider Avatar
    Dan Schneider

    Why are so many Haitians coming here? To escape poverty. Here’s the thing. Immigration law does not recognize escaping poverty or fleeing ordinary crime (only political crimes) as grounds for asylum. Why are Haitians treated so specially? Because they are Black? Possibly.

    Just why is Haiti so impoverished. No resources? Not true. Haitian is a major importer of sugar cane. Considering how much sugar Americans consume every year, the Haitians shouldn’t have any of their crop left unsold. They also have a tourist industry. I’m not saying these two resources alone should make the island prosperous, but by the same token they shouldn’t literally be the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere.

    The reason for their abject poverty is government corruption and incompetence. They have more regime changes than a celebrity does marriages. Also, the government does little to help the people. Most government money goes into the pockets of their corrupt leaders and to organized crime.

    If America ever became National Socialist, Haiti would be better off as an American Protectorate. If they were a protectorate, we could show them how to take care of themselves, rather than be taken care of by someone else. And for those who say those people are lazy and don’t want to take care of themselves, that isn’t entirely true. Some are, I’m sure, but the majority simply don’t know how to take care of themselves and there is no one to teach them. I don’t mean to get religious on everyone, but as the Bible says, “Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach him to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime.” We have to start giving out fewer fish and start giving more fishing lessons.

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