It’s Not Just Us! Welcome to New Mexico

You could be forgiven for believing that all Whites are racist and all racists are White: this is the narrative we have been force-fed for years by, ironically, a biased media. You don’t have to take my word for it. Simply do a web search for “Racism” or “all racism is White” and you will see what I mean. Of course, we all know that is baloney: the inherent racism of affirmative action alone belies this narrative, as does the well-documented racism against Whites in the 1619 project and the Critical Race Theory being taught in our public schools, to say nothing about the Black Lives Matter scam. Indeed, it has long been acknowledged that Blacks themselves discriminate against other Blacks based on how Black they are.

Still, the narrative being what it is, I was understandably surprised during a conversation with a friend when I recently visited New Mexico.

Having never been to the southwestern part of the country before, I expected to see a landscape comprising equal parts of John Wayne and Clint Eastwood movies, mixed with the terrifying images of the endless streams of illegals pouring across the border. New Mexico, after all, shares a border with Mexico. Surely walking the streets of Albuquerque or Santa Fe would be like swimming against a brown tide.

It was nothing of the sort.

When I commented on this to my friend, who is originally from the deep South, he nodded and said, “Yes, they’re really racist here”. Naturally, I thought “Oh, the Whites have drawn a line the sand and said Not Here!”

He saw my assumption and shook his head. “No, it’s the Hispanics. The ones who trace their ancestry back to the Spanish. They hate the new comers and Mexicans crossing the border. They’re not welcome here and they know it.”

New Mexican Hispanic here. This might burst some peoples bubble but the “Spanish” locals in Central and Northern New Mexico are brutally racist towards people who immigrated here from Central or South America. Its been that way for generations.

[Quote found on Reddit]

The history of New Mexico is not the point of this post, nor the long struggles to claim the land over the last 400 years. But some context is important.

Human occupation of New Mexico goes back at least 11,000 years, and indigenous peoples have lived in the area in one fashion or another nearly as long. Then the Europeans arrived in the 1500s. The first Spanish settlers emigrated to New Mexico in 1598, when the explorer Don Juan de Oñate came north from Mexico City to New Mexico with 500 Spanish settlers and soldiers and thousands of grazing animals. (As an aside, Oñate is an interesting, if somewhat brutal character, and was the flashpoint for Hispano vs Native American tension during the BLM scam. Being a colonizer, his statues were torn down. Now the Hispanos are trying to reinstall them, their attitude toward the Natives being “Yes, he was brutal, but he was one of ours. Get over it.”).

Hey NPR, your bias is showing.

These settlers and their progeny populated the area, especially around what is now Albuquerque and Santa Fe, through a series of land-grants from the Spanish crown and the Viceroyalty of New Spain. The descendants of these settlers now make up an ethnic community (a Volksgemeinschaft if you will) of 340,000 people, often collectively referred to as Hispanos. They take pride in their Spanish heritage and rank themselves in terms of class depending on how much Spanish blood they have compared to indigenous or Mexican blood. There has been a lot of mixing of course—400 years in a sparsely populated area will do that—
and an estimated 30% to 40% of the Hispanos genome contains significant proportions of Amerindian genes. Interestingly, much of this mixing comes from genizaros: Native American slaves serving Hispanic families during the colonial period.

Somehow, during discussions of reparations, this never seems to come up.

This class distinction centered on racial makeup started early: “In the Spanish colonial era, European authorities made a distinction between Criollos, white Spaniards who had been born in the Americas, and Peninsulares, white Spaniards who had been born in Spain. Criollos were considered inferior to those who had taken their first breath in Europe. If a wealthy Spaniard married and bore a child with a Criollo, and that child was born on Mexican soil, their child was considered lower in status than a newly arrived immigrant from Europe…[and] were, by their very nature, [considered] inferior, often lacking the authority to assume political and managerial positions. Class was determined by birth connection to another continent, and this…system has contributed to the…distribution of power and wealth in [the] region for centuries.” [source]

It is also the basis for modern New Mexican attitudes. It is this so-called racist system which is still at work today, encouraging this latest wave of immigrants (illegally crossing the border) to keep moving on and not to settle in Central or Northern New Mexico.

Indeed, if one looks at a map of the United States showing the number of illegals per state, one is immediately taken with the fact that New Mexico has fewer illegals than any state in the South except Mississippi, any state on the west coast, and most states on the east. And it shares a border with Mexico!

“In aligning themselves with whiteness, some Hispanics advocated for “pure” Spanish blood to be perpetuated by pushing a eugenics movement, treating those with mixed backgrounds as “mongrels who couldn’t govern themselves.” [source]

It’s Not Just Us

Finally, this brings us to an interesting point of comparison. Just as we saw with the mission statement for the Jewish Emet Classical Academy in a previous post, wherein one could substitute the words “Jewish” and “Zionist” with “Aryan” and “Race” and come up with an almost identical mission statement for the American Nazi Party, the same can be done with the New Mexican Hispanic Culture Preservation League.

According to their mission statement:

“The Mission of the New Mexican Hispanic Culture Preservation League is, to preserve the heritage, Spanish language and the history of Hispanic New Mexico. To promote the education and understanding of the contributions of Hispanics to the development of New Mexico and the Nation. To protect the history of the New Mexican Hispanic heritage and culture. To achieve this mission, we promote the TRUTH of our heritage and history and restore the PRIDE and HONOR of our New Mexican Hispanic Culture.”

Again, if we substitute a few words (say, culture for language, European for Spanish, White people for Hispanics, and Aryan for New Mexico Hispanic) their mission statement is remarkably similar to what is found on the ANPs “What We Stand For” and “Who We Are” sections of their website, as well as the mission statement for this blog.

With a few word substitutions, the New Mexican Hispanic Culture Preservation League statement reads like this:

“The Mission of the American Nazi Party is, to preserve the heritage, culture and the history of the White race. To promote the education and understanding of the contributions of Whites to the development of civilization and our Nation. To protect the history of the Aryan heritage and culture. To achieve this mission, we promote the TRUTH of our heritage and history and restore the PRIDE and HONOR of our White Culture.”

And yet, I could find no mention of the New Mexican Hispanic Culture Preservation League on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of hate groups. How odd.

Still, nice to know it’s not just us who see a difference between one race and the next, between one culture and another. Good for them. I suspect that those who condemn one group for celebrating their heritage, race and culture do so because they simply do not value, are ignorant of, their own.

Amerika Erwache!

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