Introducing the NeoCon Party

This blog tries to examine items in the news—oftentimes obscure items, buried deep in the paper, deliberately placed there to avoid scrutiny by the unwashed masses—and view them through the lens of National Socialism.

This post is a little different in that it leans more heavily on interpretation, mine, as the news item in question is fairly straightforward: Liz Cheney, following her father’s example, has suggested that a new political party is necessary and should replace the Republican Party.

Given the prominent role the Cheney’s have played in American politics generally, and the Republican Party in particular, this naturally caught my attention.

Jewish Lesbian Rachel Maddow likes Liz Cheney.

As I am a member of the American Nazi Party, it probably doesn’t come as a shock that I am not a big fan of either of the two main political parties in this country. To be blunt, I support neither and prefer to spend my time and energy trying to educate others on the failure of our system and the virtues of National Socialism.

But let’s be honest, for many there is something at least mildly appealing about Donald Trump: he appears to be different from the usual Manchurian candidate (Trojan horse candidate?) that we usually see trotted out every four years for the amusement of the electorate. Why? What makes him different enough that members of his own party endorse his opposition, threatening to upset the balance so carefully maintained by the UniParty? More to the point, why does his nomination and potential electoral victory send paroxysms of fear and anger though the establishment?

The answer, at least in part, becomes apparent when one considers his background, or lack thereof, as compared to previous Republican candidates:

  • He’s not part of the Deep State®, or the traditional blue-blood monied elite.
  • He didn’t come up through the ranks to be indoctrinated by the establishment in group-think.
  • He isn’t funded by the usual cast of characters, and therefore, not beholden to them.
  • He’s not looking for an ambassadorship or other prominent position after office.

In short, and most importantly, he’s driven by opportunity instead of ideology and is largely beyond Establishment® control.

That he won the presidential election in 2016 was an accident: Having positioned the Benghazi Madam (Hillary Clinton) for the highest office in the land, the American Oligarchy, and specifically, the Neo-Conservative branch of the Oligarchy, sat back and waited with champagne in hand on election night, ready to pop the cork.


Our oligarchic masters, in a stunning demonstration of how out of touch they are with the common-man, had picked the one person that anything walking on two legs and capable of fogging a mirror could beat. [Editorial note: I decided to go with a four-legged choice and voted for my border collie. I stand by my choice.]

This left the Establishment® flabbergasted. The UniParty is nothing more than a smoke-screen for the electorate: To divide and conquer through superficial ideological distraction is their sole purpose. So, although it was annoying that Trump got the nomination, it was okay because Hillary was going to win—philandering husband, unsecured server and lost email issues aside—and she’s part of the approved system. That’s the beauty of the UniParty: win or lose, they win.

But she didn’t. So, for four years the NeoCons worked back channels to keep their agenda alive, their minions in the Deep State, and their ideological underpinning of our foreign policy alive.

At the next election, come hell or high water (and a scamdemic), Donald Trump was not going to win. And he didn’t.

But here we are again. And this time, the NeoCons have had enough.

Clearly, there’s a bug in the system if someone outside the approved group and not completely subject to their control could win. Somehow, Trump has captured large swaths of their Republican turf.

That simply cannot be allowed to stand. So they tried the usual tools of the trade:

  • They tried to discredit him (Russiagate).
  • They tried to imprison him (Lawfare).
  • They tired to kill him (Assassination. Unsuccessfully as of this writing).

But he looks to be around for a while. For the Cheney’s and the oligarchic forces behind them, that is not acceptable. Better to throw the baby out with the bath-water and start from scratch with a Party built by NeoCons from the ground up.

Enter Liz Cheney, new mouthpiece for the old NeoCons. I will do a deep-dive on the NeoCons in an upcoming post. However, their position is as simple as it is transparent: If the current Republican Party cannot be reliably and predictably controlled, such that it would nominate someone like Donald Trump, then it is no longer of use.

This quote from the New York Times sums it up nicely:

“Former Representative Liz Cheney, who has emerged as perhaps the most vocal and visible conservative critic of former President Donald J. Trump, suggested on Friday night that a new political party might need to be created to replace the Republican Party if he is defeated…the party she has devoted her life to may not be able to survive as a viable institution after being effectively hijacked by Mr. Trump.”

Catch that?: the Party has been “hijacked” by someone the people actually chose. How dare they! Be gone with it!

For the NeoCons, time is running short. Why? All the players are on the stage (that is to say, Israel is rampaging through the Middle East) and they need a person “in charge” that they can direct.

Neoconservatism is a political movement that—at least officially—started in the 1960s during the Vietnam War. It was, and still is, pro-war (as long as it is not their own kids being sent to fight). Their motto is “Peace through strength” and their methodology is simple: spread power and influence through “the unilateral promotion of democracy and interventionism in international affairs” through unbridled militarism. Although they pay lip-service to being opposed to communism (in actuality, it was started by Marxists opposed to Stalinism), they are, in fact, pro-authoritarian as long as they are the ones wielding the power. NeoCon influence reached it’s most recent peak with the George W. Bush administration (that is to say, Vice President Cheney), culminating in the long desired invasion of Iraq and the “War on Terror”, code for the selective suspension of the Constitution. The current war of expansion by Israel is also going well according to their playbook. Generally speaking, the playbook reads: “Strengthen Israel, Destroy Arabs”.

This being the case, one can see why a candidate like Trump, who they cannot control, would be problematic: he likely could stop the current war of Israeli expansion, possibly foster a two-state solution, and generally put the brakes on the neoconservative agenda. We’ll leave profit motives out of it for the moment.

It is beyond the scope of this article to identify every obscure oligarchic cabal and their Deep State minions (the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and the Bohemian Club come to mind). Instead, for now, it is important to note that the NeoCon branch of the American Oligarchy has no intention of going quietly into that good night.

They will do what is necessary, indeed, everything that is necessary, to keep their stranglehold on American politics.

Currently there are more Independents than Republicans or Democrats. Don’t think that this fact has gone unnoticed by Lord Cheney and his minions. If you are one of those people looking for an alternative to the current “two-party” system, beware: they know it and will carefully craft something appealing to bring you back into the fold.

Get ahead of the curve and inoculate yourself from the coming propaganda: Join the ANP.

Amerika Erwache!

Housekeeping note: Generally, new content is made available every four days. However, due to travel obligations this week, the next upload will be delayed by one or two days. I appreciate your patience, and recommend reviewing previous posts you may have missed to tide you over, or visit our friends at the Volk Talks podcast.

–Johann Rhein

One response to “Introducing the NeoCon Party”

  1. Dan Schneider Avatar
    Dan Schneider

    Comrade Rhein is spot on here. Since the founding of the Deep State (some say as long ago as the late 1800s), no one has ever been elected president that has not been approved by the puppet masters until Mr. Trump. That’s why he is hated so much by the Democrats and some Republicans.

    Consider the amount of hate directed towards him. Then try and think of exactly what has he done to warrant that level of animosity. I really can’t think of anything except the Latino community might not be too fond of him because his immigration policies may have adversely affected some of their relatives.

    Let’s look at Bush II. He started a war with the wrong country (Iraq). Iraq was not responsible for 9/11. Bush also said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. When they were defeated, nothing was found. Still, Bush is thought of in a generally positive light by Deep State Republicans and even Liberals think of him as “not so bad”. The man started a war with the wrong country! How many wars did Trump start? None.

    How about Nixon? This guy bugged the DNC HQ and tried to cover up the evidence! I was about 15 at the time of his impeachment. I was also home from school on extended sick leave due to chronic bronchitis. With only three networks and four local stations (not counting PBS) there was not much else to watch but the impeachment proceedings. Then he suddenly resigned and then was pardoned by his successor (Gerald Ford). I remember that Liberals did have contempt for Nixon and Ford, but not the out and out blind hatred that they have for Trump. Both Nixon and Ford were Deep State Republicans.

    Those are just two examples. Compared to everyone else, the level of hatred for Trump is just astronomical. Like I said, I can’t think of anything to justify it. So he did a few crooked things in business. You don’t get to be a billionaire if you are totally honest. That’s how it is in business. The real reason for this incredible level of hate is that Trump is not a member of the Deep State is will not allow himself to be controlled by them. That makes him the most dangerous man in the world to them. They cheated him of his victory in 2020, but he wouldn’t go away. I believe if he had accepted defeat in 2020 and returned to running his corporation, he wouldn’t have been charged with anything – including the Stormy Daniels hush money case. Then they used lawfare to keep him occupied and hopefully out of the picture. It didn’t work. Now, with only a few weeks until the election, and no way to get him convicted of anything before then, they are trying assassination – twice.

    He’s still hanging in there. I will be fascinated to see the outcome of this election and the reaction if he wins.

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