Jews are great – at appropriating our culture

I’ll start by giving away the punchline: after destroying the American educational system for all, Jews are increasingly abandoning that system and creating their own, for their own people, by teaching the virtues and tenets of the very same traditional White culture and Western Civilization they destroyed.

They call it a return to “Classical Education”, a growing trend among non-public and charter schools. I call it the dictionary definition of irony: What they now call “Classical Education” was what passed for education when I was in school.

Last year, an organization known as the Tikvah Fund (a non-profit conservative Jewish think-tank), hearing about the poor state of education in New York from an increasing number of Jewish parents, decided to open a school in New York called the Emet Classical Academy. “Emet” is Hebrew for Truth.

Mission Statement:

“Emet Classical Academy is a Jewish preparatory school for 5th to 12th graders in Manhattan. We are committed to the pursuit of excellence in every academic and cultural field, the formation of confident Jews and civic-minded Americans, and the preservation of the best of Western civilization.”

Because when you think of preserving Western civilization, the first thing that comes to mind is “Jews”. Right.

In any event, the Academy was designed from the start to highlight and celebrate White Western Culture: hallways are lined with portraits of Aristotle, Plato, George Washington, Margaret Thatcher, William Shakespeare, Rembrandt and Beethoven; Classrooms are named Jerusalem, Athens, Rome, and Philadelphia.

This all sounds wonderful until you dig into the deeper agenda. According to their website: “The school will offer a curriculum based on the perpetuation of Jewish, Zionist, and American exceptionalism.” Nice that they are honest about it. Evidently there aren’t enough examples of Jewish culture, civil achievement, and national history to justify an entire institution or full curriculum based on “Jewish culture” alone: they have to borrow ours.

“Emet represents the first major Jewish foray into the classical education field. “The vision for Emet is really simple,” Rabbi Abraham Unger, the founding head of school, told JTA. The plan is to “focus on the great intellectual history of the west, from antiquity and the Greco-Roman period, all the way through the modern era, and to do so in a Jewish environment.” – Jewish Telegraph Agency

What does “Jewish environment” mean? For starters, the campus is in a synagogue on the upper east side of Manhattan, housing the oldest Jewish congregation in the United States. And “Like other Jewish schools, Emet places a strong emphasis on Jewish identity and Zionism, with coursework on ancient and modern-day Israel as well as the historical context of the development of rabbinic tradition.”

A definition of some use, this seems like a good time to define “Cultural Appropriation”:

Interesting that in this case, it is the minority group appropriating the majority culture.

The curriculum itself is divided into seven “Pillars” (doubtless a nod to the seven wonders of the ancient world, none of which were Jewish). They cover what one would expect from a good education: emphasis on reading, writing, mathematics, critical thinking, scientific learning, and a review of cultural milestones and history. The sixth pillar incorporates something increasingly absent from public education: civics. It states: “Every student will be prepared for the responsibilities of American citizenship and the opportunities of entrepreneurship, civic leadership, and public service.” (Note how they shoehorn “entrepreneurship” into it, in true Jewish fashion. Got to make money some how).

But it was the seventh and last Pillar that gave me pause:

I think I just threw-up a little.

Well. Again, at least they’re honest about it. Indeed, I suppose the while one could argue that their “Pillars” primarily consist of appropriating White culture, their last Pillar is 100% Jewish.

When talking among themselves, they take it quite a bit further. The arrogance and smug self-righteousness is astounding. In an article published in the Times of Israel, the founders of the Emet Classical School say:

As go the Jews, so go America and the West. Perhaps this is an unfair weight – the weight of Western civilization – to put upon so few Jewish shoulders. But God chose the Israelites for a reason and the Jews once again must heed the summons of history.

…Over time, we hope to build more schools around the country and to continue partnering with many existing Jewish day schools by developing curricula, training teachers, and creating citadels of Jewish classical learning. Yet our larger purpose is deeper: to rekindle the American spirit, to offer Hebraic remedies for the civilizational crisis of our age, to be a Jewish light unto the nations. “

Eric Cohen is CEO of Tikvah , Elliott Abrams is the chairman of the Tikvah Fund

Did you catch that quick one-off: “…we hope to build more schools around the country…”

Coming to a neighborhood near you I suppose.

That there is a problem with education in this country comes as a shock to no one. A glimpse at the “Nation’s Report Card” published by the government itself, sums it up: by every metric, student scores across all ages and percentiles have declined year-over-year.

So it is no surprise, then, that people of all backgrounds are searching for a better education for their children. I don’t want to come across as overly biased or unfair. The Jews are doing what Christians have done for ages. Parochial schools have long been regarded, generally, as a cut above the average public school for a variety of reasons˗˗simply put, student performance is held to a higher standard with less tolerance for disruption and poor behavior, and there is a moral component, a character-building aspect, which overlays they entirety of the academic endeavor, providing a deeper context to what is being taught.

In the interest of full-disclosure, although I am primarily a product of the public school system, I attended a Catholic school for a number of years. Next to a few choice classes that leap to mind when I was in college, it was the best academic experience I ever had.

That the Tikvah is spearheading a Jewish school to circumvent the problems in the public school system is understandable and should not come as a surprise, and in that regard doesn’t bother me in the slightest.

What bothers me is that as they are doing this, members of their tribe and their dutiful leftist lap-poodles are actively running the public education system for non-Jews into the ground. They are openly training a new generation of Zionists and have the audacity to call it “American exceptionalism”. Like a parasite leeching its nutrients from a host, they take the highlights of White Western Culture, ingest it, and then call it their own. Christian parochial schools at least have an honest claim to Western Civilization.

And finally, there is the hypocrisy.

Look at the American Nazi Party’s position on education in the What We Stand For section of their website. Give it a read. In your mind, replace “Aryan” with “Jewish” and “racial” with “Zionist”, and you’ll be amazed at how many similarities there are between what the Emet Classical Academy is trying to do, and what the National Socialists at the American Nazi Party demand. For example, one sentence reads, “We demand the establishment of a new educational system…which will instill in every young Aryan an all-important set of racial values.” If we swap out a few words: “We demand the establishment of a new educational system…which will instill in every young Jew an all-important set of Zionist values”, and you almost have the Emet mission statement word-for-word.

And yet, could you imagine the outcry of if we started a National Socialist Classical Academy?

Amerika Erwache!

2 responses to “Jews are great – at appropriating our culture”

  1. Dan Schneider Avatar
    Dan Schneider

    This is by far not the first example of Jewish hypocrisy. When it comes to non-Jews, they are champions of interracial marriages. In Israel, interracial marriage is illegal. To the Jew, they are only two races: Jews and Gentiles. I guess as far as they are concerned, when it comes to Gentiles, it doesn’t matter whether a Gentile is White, Black, Brown, Yellow, or Red. A Gentile is a Gentile and color doesn’t matter. Pure hypocrisy.

    There’s also Jewish business hypocrisy. In their sacred books of the Talmud, it specifically states that in business, usury (charging of interest, late fees, and other junk fees) is acceptable when doing business with Gentiles, but forbidden when doing business with other Jews. To me, a synonym of Judaism is hypocrisy.

    BTW, the Hebrew word for truth was mentioned. Emet. In Jewish legend there is the story of the Golem. The Book of Kabbalah states that a righteous man could give life to the lifeless. The Golem is a creature made of mud or clay and brought to life by someone who understands the Kabbalah. The creature is activated by inscribing the word emet on its right hand. The Golem always runs amok and must be destroyed by its creator. This he does by erasing the first letter E in emet which makes it the word met which is Hebrew for dead. How do I know this? I saw it on an episode of The X Files.

    1. Johann Rhein Avatar

      I totally forgot about that X-Files episode! Yes, the hypocrisy knows no bounds. We must call it out each and every time we see it, as much as possible, until people start to wake up. If Jews truly adhere to their religion, they have no choice to but to be the most biased and racist people on the planet: they are commanded and encouraged to be so by their God.

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