What They Stand For In 2024

Given the state of American politics and how the upcoming election is sucking all the oxygen out of the room, I thought it would be a good idea to look at what is actually being promoted. What is being sold to the American people?

To find out, I dove into the policy positions of each candidate and their respective parties as outlined on their official campaign websites and the party platforms as published by the GOP and the DNC. I apologize in advance for the length: no one likes to hear themselves talk more than politicians, and when you’re covering two political parties it’s going to get a little wordy.

As a point of comparison, I also looked at the What We Stand For section of the American Nazi Party website. I thought it would be an interesting contrast. But first, a quick quote that strikes at the heart of the matter:

Economic assistance under the present political system cannot produce a permanent improvement, for political slavery is at the root of our people’s poverty, and political methods alone can remove that. The old political Parties, which were, and are, responsible for national enslavement, cannot be the leader on the road to freedom.” – Adolf Hitler, Munich, March 6, 1930


To narrow the focus, I examined the top-five issues concerning voters as reported by the Pew Research Center: the economy, health care, foreign policy, violent crime, and immigration.

To keep this a reasonable length, I will generally summarize what each candidate and party has to say. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Links to all sources can be found in the text and at the bottom of the post.

First, a disclaimer: As regards the two candidates and their parties, let me be clear: I don’t believe a word of it. I think what we see in their stated positions is what their pollsters tell them people want to hear. Let’s be honest, once in office, all bets are off. Furthermore, any significant change in law or policy will require the approval of Congress. As they are bought-and-paid-for by Big Money and special interests, any change promised by a presidential candidate will, at best, die a slow death in committee, and at worst, never be presented for congressional consideration. So, while some of what the candidates say sounds good, it is really nothing more than unicorns pooping rainbow ice cream.

Another reason I feel compelled to summarize as much as possible is because of how the two candidates present their positions: typically in the form of sound bites and bullet-points, leaving the reader the task of finding whatever specifics are available elsewhere in their party’s platform. For the American Nazi Party, it is much easier: there is a topic, and then an explanation under it, making it easy to cut-and-paste. I suspect the two political parties eschewed this approach in the hopes of being able to hide the finer points of their intentions.



Trump & the GOP: End inflation and “Make America Affordable Again”. This is to be achieved by making America the “dominant energy producer in the world”, turning America into a “manufacturing superpower”, cutting taxes for workers and keeping the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Interestingly, the GOP takes it to the pie-in-the-sky level by promising to “create a robust manufacturing industry in Near Earth Orbit” and send astronauts to the Moon and Mars. So, literally, they’re promising the Moon and the stars.

Harris & the DNC: Tax the rich. Offer $25,000 to first time home-buyers and other “credits”. And, of course, “take on Big Pharma”. The DNC wants to add a free “tool” to file your tax return, “cut taxes for middle-class and low-income Americans”, and eliminate subsidies for oil and gas companies. [Right]. They also promise to lower costs on goods, services, and prescription drugs. No details on how that is suppose to happen.

ANP: “We demand the creation of an honest, self-sufficient, debt-free economy based solely on the productive capacity of the Aryan worker, which will guarantee conditions of full employment and price stability.
We believe that the proper function of an economy is to serve the economic needs of the people, not to make profits for big bankers and huge multinational corporations… We also believe that HONEST WORK is the only legitimate basis for wealth – not speculation, usury, or money-manipulation…”


Trump & the GOP: Protect Social Security and Medicare with no cuts. They promise to “increase Transparency, promote Choice and Competition, and expand access to new Affordable Healthcare and prescription drug options.” [A lot of words, but I’m not sure what they mean. Sounds like a good deal for the insurance marketplace.]

Harris & the DNC: Expand the Affordable Care Act and use tax-credit enhancements to lower costs. Negotiate with Big Pharma. Strengthen Medicare by taxing billionaires. The DNC also promises more mobile health clinics and to crack down “on federally funded health care providers that turn away or otherwise discriminate against people on the basis of race, sex, age, national origin, or disability.” They also want to guarantee abortion services.

ANP: “Every member of the racial community [has] the right to decent housing, proper medical care and generous provision for old age… An enlightened community must make the health and well-being of all its members a matter of prior concern …[in addition] it is the duty of the state to see to the development of our young people in a thorough and well-rounded manner, recognizing that in the long run a healthy mind can only dwell within a healthy body, and that along with the training of the intellect there must go rigorous physical and character training.”

Hitler Youth boxing training.


Trump & the GOP: Prevent WWIII [okay, I’m on board with that]. Restore peace in Europe and build a “great iron dome missile defense shield over our entire country.” [Uh-huh. That noise you hear is Lockheed-Martin and Raytheon salivating]. Make our military the strongest in the world. The GOP sums it up as: “Peace through strength”, and national interests above foreign interests. Which sounds great, but then they go on to say: “strengthen foreign alliances and protect Israel.” So…. more of the same is what I’m hearing.

Harris & the DNC: Harris brags about having traveled to many other countries and wants to make NATO “stronger than ever” as well as “…stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself and…ensure Israel has the ability” to do so. Her other stated goal is to expand trade globalism. I’m sure globalism was explained to her with a Venn diagram. The DNC adds the need to stand with Ukraine and save the world from Climate Change®, as well as “strengthening the capacity of African nations to address security threats, including terrorism and violent extremism, remains a top priority.” So…more of the same.

ANP: “We demand a foreign policy based solely on the long-term interests of the Aryan Race. In order to effectively pursue such a policy, we demand the creation of a powerful military force capable of defending the Aryan Republic against all aggressors. …the withdrawal of all US military presence from around the globe, and place our troops instead at our borders to defend from foreign invasion. …We believe that the proper function of an Aryan foreign policy is to serve the needs of our own people. We do not believe that it should be our concern to tell other peoples and countries how to live or manage their affairs, so long as they do not threaten vital Aryan interests. … forge a fraternal community of Aryan nations as a new force for order, stability, and understanding in the world. “


Trump & the GOP: Stop migrant crime, “demolish” drug cartels, “crush” gang violence, and lock up violent offenders. They will do this by “[invoking] the Alien Enemies Act to remove all known or suspected gang members, drug dealers, or cartel members from the United States, ending the scourge of Illegal Alien gang violence once and for all. We will bring back the Travel Ban, and use Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis.” They also promise to replenish Police Departments and “stand up to Marxist prosecutors.”

Harris & the DNC: Ban “assault weapons” and “high-capacity” magazines. Universal background checks and expand red-flag laws. Expand gun-violence prevention programs. Fund drug-detection technologies. Reform the Supreme Court. The DNC also promises to “[pass] the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. And, we will end racial profiling and religious discrimination in law enforcement.” “… incentivizing states to develop community-based alternatives to prison for young people.” “… step up civil rights enforcement, including by boosting funding for the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division” in addition to providing additional funding to the ATF and FBI.

ANP: “…anything which interferes with the smooth and harmonious functioning of society must be ruthlessly suppressed – whether it be poverty, social injustice, class warfare, crime, sexual perversion, drug peddling, or any form of antisocial activity.” [Personal note: Short, sweet, and to the point. No obfuscation. No bullshit. THAT’S what I’m talking about.]


Trump & the GOP: “Seal the border and stop the migrant invasion”. Complete the Border Wall. Deport illegals. Screen immigrants for Communists, Marxists, and Socialists. Stop sanctuary cities. Prioritize merit based immigration.

Harris & the DNC: Nothing specific: “As President, she will bring back the bipartisan border security bill and sign it into law. At the same time, she knows that our immigration system is broken and needs comprehensive reform that includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship.”

ANP: “We must have an all-White National Socialist America; an America in which our children and our grandchildren will play and go to school with other White children; an America in which they will date and marry other young people of our own race; an America in which all their offspring will be beautiful, healthy White babies. We must have an America in which our cultural, social, business and political life is free of alien, Jewish influence; an America in which White people are the sole masters of our own destiny. …only those of Aryan blood [will] be allowed to become citizens of the state. Citizenship – and the rights which go along with it – will be conferred only on those Aryans who prove themselves worthy of it.”

Interestingly, the ANP positions on Foreign Policy and Immigration are inextricably linked. For a National Socialist state, controlling immigration and defending the nation’s borders IS the foreign policy (well, a large part of it anyway).

The DNC platform primarily consists of rewording their 2020 platform, sugar-coating or spinning to their favor what has transpired over the last three-and-a-half years, flat out lying, and blaming all remaining problems on Donald Trump.

The GOP platform primarily consists of the opposite of the DNC, with promises to make everything better.

To be fair, in many cases, the Democratic Platform goes further than the GOP in that it details at length and with more specifics many of their intentions and goals. Unfortunately, those intentions and goals consist of neo-communist drivel designed to further their woke agenda, help criminals, and undermine the fabric of traditional American society.

Of course, I’ve left off many other issues, choosing to focus on the top-5. You can read their platforms for yourself to see what they say about Climate Change® (popular among Democrats) or rolling back the damage done by Critical Race Theory in public schools (popular among Republicans). But, frankly, if you have been paying attention at all, you already know what they are going to say. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Amerika Erwache!

ANP (American Nazi Party)

2 responses to “What They Stand For In 2024”

  1. Dan Schneider Avatar
    Dan Schneider

    I’m just going to comment on one portion because I too, don’t wish to be too wordy.

    Our current economy is a debt based economy. The United States purchases bonds from the Federal Reserve Bank (a privately run, for profit bank). In turn, the Fed issues money. One bond=one dollar. Nowadays, what with digital currency, the Fed doesn’t even have to print a new bill. All they need do is make the proper adjustments on their ledgers. Remember, the more currency that is issued, the more inflation we have. Every year the government needs more and more money so they keep issuing bonds to the Fed for additional currency, and inflation gets worse and worse.

    The solution is to get rid of a debt based economy. Going back to the gold standard would be worse. Gold is limited. Therefore it is easier for someone to gain a monopoly on it. If you took all the mined gold in the world and melted it down into one cube, it would only measure 75 X 75 X 75 cubic feet. Not miles. Not yards. But feet.

    Here’s what we should do. The following is information from noted economists, not from me.

    Colonial Scrip was not backed by gold or silver and therefore the Colonies could control its purchasing power. This was a revolutionary concept in economics, because the conventional European mercantilist system of money required governments to borrow from banks and pay interest for those loans, as gold and silver were the only regarded forms of money. This is known as the debt-based money system, where banknotes are “bills of debt.” Colonial Scrip, however, were “bills of credit” created by the government, based on the credit of that government, and this meant that there was no interest to pay for the introduction of money. This went a considerable way towards defraying the expense of the Colonial governments and in maintaining prosperity. The Governments charged low interest when it loaned out this paper money to its citizens, with land as collateral, and this interest income lowered the tax burden on the people, contributing to prosperity.

    The currency was born when a lack of gold and silver in the Colonies made trade hard to conduct, and a barter system prevailed. One by one, the Colonies began to issue their own paper money to serve as a medium of exchange to make trade vibrant. The Governments could then retire excess notes out of circulation by taxing the people, helping some Colonies generally avoid inflation. Each Colony had its own currency and some were better managed than others. It was banned by English Parliament in the Currency Act after Benjamin Franklin had explained the benefits of this currency to the British Board of Trade. Outlawing the circulating medium caused a depression in the Colonies, and Franklin and many others believed it to be the true cause of the American Revolution.

    A private bank should not control the money supply. That should be done by the Treasury Department. We must nationalize the Fed. Their only function should be the coordination of large banking transactions, setting interest rates, and foreign currency exchange.

    Under the Colonial Scrip system, the colonies grew prosperous. This money was outside the control of the Bank of England which is also a privately run, for profit bank. The British government was heavily in debt to the B of E and they pressured King George and parliament to outlaw Colonial Scrip. This they did and the colonists grew poor very quickly. The B of E was still not satisfied. They wanted to make up for all the money they failed to earn because of Colonial Scrip and pressured the government into imposing unfair taxes like the Stamp Act and the Tea Tax. This is what set off the Revolution. If the colonies were allowed to keep Colonial Scrip and were not taxed unfairly, there would have been no revolution.

    We must also end fractional reserve banking. This is when banks are allowed to lend out 90 percent more money than they actually own by using the money of depositors. If everyone went to the bank at once and demanded their money, the banks could only give us ten percent. That’s why banks fear what are known as bank runs, when unusually large amounts of depositors withdraw unusually large amounts of cash. They had many bank runs when the stock market crashed in 1929. The market crashes fairly frequently. It’s when people panic and make bank runs that can trigger a depression. Banks should only be able to loan out ten percent more than they actually own, not 90.

    The solution to our economic woes is to nationalize the Fed, institute a modern version of Colonial Scrip, and end 90 percent fractional reserve banking. If we did this, the economy would be thriving and the national debt eliminated in only three years. Well, maybe four or five years since the debt has grown quite a bit since the article I read was written.

    1. Johann Rhein Avatar

      This is extraordinary. I had no idea about the Colonial Scrip. It sort of makes sense though. I suspect (and this is just a guess) that this is what the Confederate States tried to do (money issued by the State or Government, backed by the credit of the government, or as you say ““bills of credit” created by the government, based on the credit of that government”). That would explain why when the War ended, the Confederate money wasn’t worth anything: no government to back it. Thanks for the insightful (as usual) reply!

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