In honor of Labor Day (I know, I’m a day late on this: I was actually taking the day off for a change), I thought it would be a good time to call attention to a publication of profound relevance and importance: The White Worker.

If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time, then you have heard me reference, praise, and quote from the American Nazi Party’s website. That is because no organization works as hard and as honestly to educate our White comrades on the issues that directly effect them. No party espouses the true-beliefs of National Socialism as clearly and faithfully as the American Nazi Party. So much so that I strongly dislike the term “neo-Nazi”: there is nothing “neo” about the American Nazi Party. It draws its inspiration and core beliefs directly from the NSDAP as articulated by Adolf Hitler. Simply compare the 25-points of the NSDAP to the What We Stand For section of the ANP’s website and you will see what I mean.
What I have not mentioned, and I feel somewhat remiss in my duties for not already having done so, is one of the primary tools the ANP uses to communicate with its members and inform the world about National Socialism: The White Worker magazine.
The White Worker (TWW) is the official publication of the American Nazi Party. While up-to-date information and the thoughts of the Party Chairman on current events can be found in the News/ANP_Reports section of the ANP website, The White Worker serves as an extended platform to explore a more broad range of topics. It educates and informs members of the Party—and all who read it, really—by examining current events, influences in our society, and cultural trends that have an impact on the continued survival of our Race.

Click image above to learn more
I recently had the opportunity to ask the HAKoehler, editor of The White Worker and former Secretary of the World Union of National Socialists, a number of questions about the ANP’s publication and he was kind enough to answer them.
According to HAKoehler, the goal of The White Worker is straightforward: “To provide substantive material for argument beyond slogans or bumper stickers. Rage is never enough in politics. It must first arise out of reason.”
The concepts of “substantive material” and the need for moving past simple rage to a more informed reason are key I think. And it seems Commander Rockwell thought so too: in the early days of the American Nazi Party the official publication was called “The Stormtrooper”. A rousing and provocative name to be sure. Personally, I’m more of an SS (Schutzstaffel) man myself, rather than the more rough-and-tumble SA (Sturmabteilung- Stormtrooper), but if one wanted action in the streets, one looked to the SA, so the name made sense.

I wondered why the official Party publication is now called The White Worker instead of the original “The Stormtrooper“:
Stormtrooper was aimed at the general public, specifically that portion seeking action and provocation. [Essentially] a recruiting and..fundraising tool. National Socialist World was GLR’s vision of ideological [and] academic discussions similar to Rosenberg’s National Socialist Monthly (NS Monatshefte). Naming the ANP magazine The White Worker incorporated both race and the ideal of White communal social nationalism, where blue-collar workers are as necessary and valued as the white-collar sector. Stormtrooper was pure “Phase One” attention-getting propaganda, aimed at mostly young men who sought vicarious adventures in down-and-dirty Hollywood-style Nazism, rebels, bad boys…useful indeed for street action publicity and meeting protection. [the original role of the SA Stormtroopers by the way- editor]. TWW tries to bring a bit of that Stormtrooper accent into a more discursive presentation, lest our critics cite us as uneducated misfits. There are plenty of those rabble-rousing misfits out and about, protesting while garbed in dapper uniforms, with flag and banner pageantry, cussing at bystanders. These deluded, misguided people get nothing but flak, even from people who would otherwise be sympathetic. Before he was murdered, Commander Rockwell had abandoned that tactic as played-out and counterproductive. —HAK

Looking at archived editions of the Stormtrooper, one notices how professional the publication looked (by the standards of the day- remember, this was before digital photos and laser printers). The White Worker is no different: as the official publication of the Party and representing National Socialists, it obviously takes pains to be accurate, organized, and presentable. One feels quite comfortable printing an issue and sharing it with others to inform and generate interest. It represents National Socialism and the American Nazi Party well.

This degree of professionalism and polish doesn’t “just happen.”
It takes HAKoehler three-weeks, minimum, to prepare an issue. He also designs the eye-catching covers. For content he relies on Party members, including Deputy-Party Chairman Dan Schneider, for articles and often writes many himself. I asked him if he solicits third-party contributions for articles and he says “yes”, but notes that many potential contributors are hesitant: “Association with anything so confidently, assertively “racist” as the ANP magazine would doom the careers of any writer whose pseudonymous article was exposed, if that writer also had a more public, mainstream career or ambition. Initially, TWW was an intra-Party magazine. Now it is for all White people, not just ANP members or fellow travelers.”

The White Worker articles cover a broad range of subjects and themes, never hesitating to say what needs to be said. The topics are many and varied. But I’m not going to tell you what they are. Teaser! Instead, I urge you to visit the ANP’s website and download a copy or two. Read it. See if it isn’t exactly what you have been looking for: an antidote to the lame-stream-media’s Judeo-Capitalist propaganda pill being forced down your throat.
In addition to the free-samples, back issues are also available for purchase (a modest $5, or $7 for two). While you are there, browse the ANP’s website. You might be surprised by what you see: a positive message of Racial hope and solidarity, not negative hate. As HAKoehler says, “The ANP does not seek to foment flailing angry coercion, but to educate for political action.”

At a time when it is all-to-easy to stay glued to your chair, stare at your phone, and wonder why the world is, for want of a better expression, going to shit, HAKoehler and his small group of dedicated contributors work every day to sound the alarm, educate the masses, and save our Race. If you are interested in subscribing to The White Worker, it is included with paid-membership in the Party, or available for $25 separately. And again, back-issues are also available.
To learn more or help The White Worker in its mission, visit www.ANP14.com
Amerika Erwache!
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