Every country has the right—and one could argue the responsibility—to defend itself and its borders. (We’ll leave off the United States’ inability to do so for now). This post consists primarily of facts which I believe speak for themselves. You can draw your own conclusions, as I have done.
On October 7, 2023, Israel was attacked by a small group of Iranian-supported militants from the Hamas terrorist group. This gave the Israelis the excuse they needed to invade the tiny spit of Palestinian-controlled land called the Gaza Strip.
I’ve written previously on various aspects of the Israeli response to the October 7 attacks, including how the Israelis were at least in part responsible for it, how this country supports Israel financially and militarily, while criminalizing those who would question the pro-Jewish narrative propagated by our state-run media.

But the “fighting” (ie., genocide) continues. A recent AP article spelled it out, while not actually saying anything overtly, by simply printing the numbers. A brilliant approach. Here are some of them:
Total deaths:
People killed in Israel: about 1,200
Palestinians killed in Gaza: at least 40,005
Palestinians killed in the West Bank: 623
People killed in Lebanon: around 530

Civilian Deaths:
Children killed in Israel: 53
Children killed in Gaza: 10,627
Women killed in Gaza: 5,956
Aid workers killed in Gaza: 284
Health workers killed in Gaza: over 500
Journalists and media workers killed: At least 113
Israeli soldiers killed in the Gaza ground offensive: 329
Israeli soldiers killed on Oct. 7: 314
Militants killed by Israel in Gaza: more than 17,000, according to the Israeli military

Destruction/Humanitarian situation in Gaza
Percentage of buildings likely damaged/destroyed: 59.3%
Percentage of homes likely damaged: more than 60%
Percentage of school buildings damaged: 85%
Hospitals that are partially functioning: 16 of 36
Palestinian civilians facing “catastrophic” food insecurity, according to the U.N.: 495,000
Percentage of students out of school: 100% [no long-term terrorist breeding ground there]
Percentage of road network damaged: 65%
Cemeteries damaged: At least 21
Israelis internally displaced from border communities: 62,224 (under 1% of the population)
Palestinians currently displaced in Gaza: 1.9 million (86% of the prewar population)

The numbers speak for themselves. The Israelis aren’t interested in securing their border, or seeking justice and retribution for the Hamas attacks. They are trying to wipe the Palestinians off the map and take their land. Period.
Now, in full disclosure, while I’m not entirely indifferent to the suffering of others, I must confess a certain degree of apathy: I’m not Israeli, and I’m not Palestinian. I have no connection, ancestral or otherwise, to that part of the world or its people.
In short, I don’t have a dog in this fight.
I do, however, have my hard earned tax-money in it. That irritates me. Here’s one reason why:

Look at those numbers again, particularly the numbers of civilians killed (Palestinians: 40,005. Israelis: 1,200). This is a “war of aggression”, plain and simple. Such an act was considered a war crime by the International Military Tribunal in the Nuremberg show trials, and is still considered such by the International Criminal Court. Likewise, as was made clear at the Nuremberg Kangaroo Kourt and as spelled out by the aforementioned organizations and the Geneva Conventions, attacks deliberately targeting civilians are considered crimes against humanity. (We’ll forego exploring the WWII allied bombing campaigns against population centers, or the Rape of Berlin by the Soviets for now).
The Israelis are war criminals, and we are helping them:
The US House of Representatives on Saturday passed a $95 billion legislative package…[which] included $17 billion in defense aid to Israel, and some $9 billion providing humanitarian relief to people in Gaza as well as other war-torn regions… Of the aid to Israel, some $5.2 billion will go toward replenishing and expanding Israel’s missile and rocket defense system; another $3.5 billion will go to purchasing advanced weapons systems; $1 billion to enhance weapons production; $4.4 billion for other defense supplies and services provided to Israel; and some $2.4 billion to US operations in the region amid the Gaza war. “From April 20, 2024, as reported in The Times of Israel
Likewise, as reported by Reuters on June 28, 2024:
“Between the war’s start last October and recent days, the United States has transferred at least 14,000 of the MK-84 2,000-pound bombs, 6,500 500-pound bombs, 3,000 Hellfire precision-guided air-to-ground missiles, 1,000 bunker-buster bombs, 2,600 air-dropped small-diameter bombs, and other munitions, according to the officials…”
Indeed, 78% of all arms purchased by Israel come from the United States.

I offer this post not in support of the Palestinians per se, and certainly not in support of Hamas and other Iranian-backed terrorist organizations, but instead, out of frustration with the hypocrisy displayed by Israel (who killed Germans after WWII accused of the same actions) and those who unquestioningly support the Israeli actions in Gaza (I’m looking at you Fox News), having no qualms spending our treasure in support of their war crimes.

An honest media would examine both sides of the conflict, explore the underlying causes, and consider how our money and munitions have helped fuel this conflict. Instead, we play one side off the other. While the elite of the military-industrial-complex acquire vast wealth, small tax-payers like myself help fund an illegal war which squanders resources better spent domestically and sows the seeds of future conflicts.

We are being played.
Consider the more rational and honest approach as espoused by the American Nazi Party, which states:
“Currently, America’s military forces all over the globe are sucking our economy dry and serving special interests over the interest of the people. We demand the withdrawal of all US military presence from around the globe, and place our troops instead at our borders to defend from foreign invasion. … We believe that the proper function of an Aryan foreign policy is to serve the needs of our own people.”
Notice there is nothing there about making a few well-heeled defense contractors insanely rich. To learn more about the their policies on matters both foreign and domestic, be sure to visit their website at ANP14.com.
Amerika Erwache!

presidential election Israel Jews
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