By luck or by God

[Audio version found here or in “Podcast” above]

I apologize in advance if it takes me a few moments to get where I am going with this entry. Given the literal life-and-death nature of the topic, I believe clarity is of the utmost importance.

One avowed purpose of Amerika Erwache is to explore today’s issues through the lens National Socialist ideology. Generally we try to pick topics that we believe are important and relevant, and that not only impact our White Race today but have the potential to affect our children and their progeny far into the future. We take a headline or issue that the media has glossed over in the hope that you won’t notice its importance, and dig a little deeper to find the underlying truth. 

Oftentimes this takes us in a different direction than the mainstream media, which is more focused on distracting the public from the fact that their lives are increasingly being controlled by a powerful elite, disseminating approved government provided talking-points and propaganda, and, in the end, making money. 

So when the media goes one direction, Amerika Erwache often goes in the other. However, occasionally, the two intersect. The attempted assassination of Donald Trump is a case in point.

While the public and pundits were shocked that such an event could happen, National Socialists such as myself were not surprised. The American Marxist Media loves to draw comparisons between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler without any real idea of what they are talking about (comparisons which I find offensive by the way, as it demeans Adolf Hitler’s memory).

Now, finally, after the attempt on Trump’s life, there actually are points of similarity: Both men suffer or suffered the contempt of the monied elite and the entrenched military establishment who believed the populist appeal of Trump today, and Hitler in the 1930s, threatened their power and privilege. Both men were targets of assassins. Both experienced miraculous near-misses. And both considered the possibility that their survival was the will of Providence, Fate, or God; convinced they were called to their destinies. 

Many, of course, are saying exactly this about the uncanny timing of Trump turning his head at the last moment, resulting in a near-miss. We hear the word “Miracle” used a lot.

There’s no question it saved his life, and some believe the hand of God can be seen in that motion. I am agnostic on the matter. But I would be curious to know what those same people make of Adolf Hitler’s miraculous escapes. If Trump’s salvation was a product of Divine Intervention to further the cause of the righteous, what then to make of Adolf Hitler’s? 

Consider: Leaving aside the beer-hall skirmishes of the 1920’s (including some that included gun-play and shots at Hitler while he was speaking), historians believe there were no fewer than 42 plots to assassinate him. Skipping over those that never got beyond the planning stage, there were at least 10 physical attempts to kill Adolf Hitler, including the infamous Stauffenberg bombing of July 20, 1944. 

It also includes the attempt  in 1938 by a Swiss theology student who posed as a reporter and planned to shoot Hitler as he reviewed troops passing by in parade. Fortunately, his view was blocked by trees, then by the crowd itself, who raised their arms in salute to the Führer. Thankfully he abandoned his attempt, tried to escape, was turned over to the Gestapo, and eventually executed.

Likewise, it includes the October 1939 attempt by members of the Polish army to detonate 500kg of TNT hidden in a roadside ditch as Hitler reviewed troops during the victory parade in Warsaw. At the last moment, the parade took a different route and the bomb was not detonated.

Poland 1939

However, my personal favorite example of what many considered to be Hitler’s sixth-sense in avoiding assassination attempts, or the divine hand of Providence as some might call it today,  was the November 8, 1939 bombing at the Bürgerbräukeller in Munich. 

The Bürgerbräukeller was a special site for the NSDAP: it was from there that Hitler launched the so-called Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, and where Nazi party faithfuls, the “Old Guard” as Hitler referred to them, met every year to mark the anniversary of the event. 

Bürgerbräukeller c. 1923

Hitler had originally been scheduled to speak at the event later in the evening on the 8th, and remain in Munich until the 9th.

…however, on the morning of the eighth his residence was telephoned from Berlin that the army was demanding a fresh decision on the deadline for ‘Yellow’ [the invasion of France]…[As fog was forecast, possibly preventing him from flying back to Berlin to meet with his generals and staff the next morning, Hitler decided to return to Berlin that night by his private train. With the departure from Munich’s main station set for 9:30 p.m., the start time of the reunion was brought forward half an hour to 8 p.m. and Hitler cut his speech from the planned two hours to a one-hour]… and he sent an adjutant to arrange for his private coaches to be attached to the regular express train that same evening. His adjutant returned with word that it would be cutting things fine if he was to catch this train after his speech… At eight o’clock sharp, the Führer entered the cavernous beer hall, the band stopped playing, and Christian Weber (one of the Party’s leading figures in Bavaria) spoke a few brief words of welcome. Hitler stood at a lectern in front of one of the big, wood-paneled pillars…[and as he gave his speech] Julius Schaub [his aide and adjutant] nervously passed him cards on which he had scrawled increasingly urgent admonitions: ‘Ten minutes!’ then ‘Five!’ and finally a peremptory ‘Stop!’. [Hitler made his concluding remarks] and stepped into the midst of the Party officials who thronged forward. A harassed Julius Schaub managed to shepherd the Führer out of the hall at twelve minutes past nine.  // David Irving ~ Hitler’s War

Eight minutes after leaving the site, an explosion ripped through the Hall, killing eight and injuring sixty-two others. 

Bürgerbräukeller after the explosion

A disgruntled communist carpenter by the name of Elsner had painstakingly, over the course of two months, hollowed out part of the column behind the speaker’s podium where Hitler would be standing and embedded a bomb. Obviously he would be unable to manually detonate it during the event, so he used a timer, set the day before, to explode at 9:20pm. If Hitler had been able to keep his original schedule, or even lingered in the Hall a few minutes longer, he all-but-certainly would have been killed. Hitler himself, partly tongue in cheek, credited the fog on the ground for his survival: it precluded his ability to fly back to headquarters, necessitating the use of the train, which required him to leave earlier. 

“A man has to be lucky!…Now I am completely at peace! My leaving the Bürgerbräukeller earlier than usual is proof to me that Providence wants me to reach my goal.”
Adolf Hitler

Odd how similar that is to what Trump had to say after the attempt on his life:

“I’m not supposed to be here, I’m supposed to be dead. By luck or by God, many people are saying it’s by God, I’m still here.”
Donald Trump
Hitler attending funeral of those killed by the Bürgerbräukeller bomb.

The Marxist media is constantly trying to equate Trump to Hitler. In surviving an attempted assassination, we finally do have an example of commonality. And, for those who think Trump survived as a result of the intervention of a Higher Power, touched by Providence for a higher purpose, I ask you this: why would you think any differently of Adolf Hitler?

You can file this under food for thought.

For even more to think about, visit my comrades

Amerika Erwache!

4 responses to “By luck or by God”

  1. Dan Schneider Avatar
    Dan Schneider

    Sorry, but I have to disagree on this one. I think Trump’s turning his head at just the right moment can be attributed to coincidence. Just my opinion. Who knows? Maybe I’m wrong. I doubt I am, but at least I’m willing to admit to the possibility.

    1. Johann Rhein Avatar

      Like I said, I’m agnostic on the matter. That being said, I have experienced some very weird “coincidences” that made me go “hmmm” and wonder if there wasn’t something larger at work. Still, the point here is that if one is going to attribute some… Other… instead of coincidence to Trump’s experience, they probably should do so for Hitler’s as well. And for the same reasons. Thanks for the comment!

    2. White Working Class Dude Avatar
      White Working Class Dude

      I’m willing to bet it’s because the bad guy was a lousy shot!

      I find it “offensive” that anyone would compare Hitler to Trump. Geez. How many Jews has Trump killed?

      1. Johann Rhein Avatar

        Interestingly, that could be taken a couple of different ways.:-)