This blog often references the American Nazi Party‘s website, and in particular the What We Stand For section.
It is a critical part of that website, for in a day-and-age when we our attention is constantly under assault from a 24-hour news cycle, endless marketing, and blatant Judeo-Capitalist propaganda, it serves to recapture and focus our attention on the core values of the Party and National Socialism. Even if you have read What We Stand For in the past, I urge you to read it again and to do so at least once or twice a year.
Because of the role that the What We Stand For section plays in articulating our beliefs and goals, it is worthwhile to take each point in turn and examine some part of it in depth. Not all at once, of course! Like good food, it is better digested when served in small portions.
Today we will begin with the first point – Race and our children:
The union of all Aryans in North America.
We believe that the Aryan population of this continent should be free, along with all the peoples of good will, to pursue its separate destiny according to the principles of self-determination and racial solidarity in a sovereign state representing its vital needs and interests. We must have an all-White National Socialist America; an America in which our children and our grandchildren will play and go to school with other White children; an America in which they will date and marry other young people of our own race; an America in which all their offspring will be beautiful, healthy White babies. We must have an America in which our cultural, social, business and political life is free of alien, Jewish influence; an America in which White people are the sole masters of our own destiny.
American Nazi Party ~ What We Stand For
While reading this section again recently, one sentence in particular caught my eye: “…an America in which our children and our grandchildren will play and go to school with other White children…”
It is important to know that the ANP is not pulling these considerations out of thin air. Their demands are based on real-world problems and demonstrable facts. For example, here are some recent headlines:

Without putting too fine a point on it: White children are disappearing. And it’s not a secret.
The Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics is a collection of 23 Federal government agencies tasked with coordinating and improving consistency in Federal data on children and families. What they have to say is frightening if you prefer to see your White children and grandchildren playing, learning, and growing with their White peers.
First, there is the general decline in the number of children:
Since the mid-1960s, children have decreased as a proportion of the total U.S. population. In 2022, children made up 22% of the population, down from a peak of 36% at the end of the Baby Boom, in 1964. Children’s share of the population is projected to continue its slow decline through 2050, when children are projected to make up 20% of the population.
Then, in the decreased childhood population, fewer will be White:
Racial and ethnic diversity has grown dramatically in the United States in the last 3 decades. This growth was first evident among children. In 2022, 49% of U.S. children were White, non-Hispanic; 26% were Hispanic; 14% were Black, non-Hispanic; 6% were Asian, non-Hispanic; and 6% were non-Hispanic “All other races.” …
In 2030, less than half of all children are projected to be White, non-Hispanic. By 2050, it is projected that 39% of all children will be White, non-Hispanic; 31% will be Hispanic; 14% will be Black, non-Hispanic; 7% will be Asian, non-Hispanic; and 9% will be non-Hispanic “All other races.”
Look at those percentages again. Notice something? “Whereas the percentages of children in most of the other racial and ethnic origin groups have declined, the percentage of children who are Hispanic has grown substantially, increasing from 9% of the child population in 1980 to 26% in 2022.“

Here’s what that looks like on a chart.

Additional and more in-depth information can be found in a Brookings Institute report from 2022, but I can summarize it for you: White people in America are getting older and not being replaced, while Hispanic people as a percentage of the population are getting younger and growing in numbers. Is this by design? Is an open southern border just a coincidence? Raise these questions and you are accused of being an adherent of the “Great Replacement Theory”. But it’s not just a theory if it’s demonstrably true. Follow the numbers. However, keep this in mind: all of the numbers in this post are derived from Census data. It does not take into account the estimated 1.2 million illegals under age 18 in this country.

As you can see, when the ANP demands “…an America in which our children and our grandchildren will play and go to school with other White children…”, it does so for good and valid reasons.
Amerika Erwache!

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