Backdoor Reparations

Subtitle: The reparations we are already paying

First, a disclaimer: I have nothing but respect for the individual farmer, regardless of race or creed. Farming is hard work. Anyone willing to do it, day-in and day-out, is a cut above in my book. White, Black, Red, Brown, Yellow… it doesn’t matter. Working the land is work. But I do have a problem with reparations. How are farms and reparations related? Read on.

As a National Socialist, I regard farms and farming of paramount importance. It is one of the cornerstones of What We Stand For. So when I see issues that impact our comrades in the agricultural industry, I immediately sit up and take note.

Recently a group of farmers in Texas sued the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), asking for an injunction on programs the Department is using to award aid and relief funds to qualifying farmers, as the Department was awarding those funds based on DEI anti-White criteria.

The farmers said the Biden administration has taken roughly $25 billion in disaster and pandemic aid approved by Congress for farmers in eight programs and devised a system to make awards based on race, gender or other “socially disadvantaged” traits. Such decision-making violates the Constitution’s Fifth Amendment and the Administrative Procedures Act.

“The Constitution promises equal treatment to all Americans regardless of their race or sex,” the court filing also reads. “It also promises the separation of powers. USDA broke both promises through the disaster and pandemic relief programs challenged here.”

The farmers said they can prove that “USDA gives more money to some farmers based on” race, gender or other factors never approved by Congress.

In other words, their own government is discriminating against them because they are White.

Instead of basing the awarded funds on need- regardless of race- the USDA gave preferential treatment to “Socially Disadvantaged” individuals.

Who, according to the USDA, are “Socially Disadvantaged”?

Under Section 2501 of the Food, Agriculture, Conservation and Trade Act of 1990 (FACT Act), also known as the 1990 Farm Bill, P.L. 101-624, a socially disadvantaged group is defined as: A farmer or rancher who is a member of one or more of the following groups whose members have been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice because of their identity as members of a group without regard to their individual qualities, 7 U.S.C. § 2279(e). Groups include, but are not limited to:

  • African Americans
  • American Indians
  • Alaskan Natives
  • Asians
  • Hispanics
  • Pacific Islanders
  • Refugees and Immigrants belonging to any of the groups named above.

Under the 2501 Program definition of “socially disadvantaged,” women as an individual group are not considered an underserved group unless they fall into one of the groups identified above.

But wait, it gets worse.

The funds in question come in part from the “American Rescue Plan Act” of 2001, part of the legislation passed during the Pandemic® (trademark, all rights reserved. Copyright “Help Biden Run From The Basement” PAC). Neatly folded into the plan was $3.7 Billion for the USDA to pay off minority loans and an additional $1.1 Billion for minority farm aid.

The use of race in determining the allocation and distribution of relief funds to farmers was challenged and eventually the section of the Act was repealed. The following year, it was replaced in the Inflation Reduction Act which, among other silly things, provided:

  • $3.1 billion in funding for USDA to provide relief for distressed Farm Loan Program borrowers with at-risk agricultural operations, based on the aforementioned racial criteria;
  • $2.2 billion in financial assistance for farmers who have experienced discrimination in USDA farm lending programs, by amending Section 1006 of ARPA.
  • Amends ARPA to continue the investments that advance equity and invest in underserved producers. Those investments include $125 million for technical assistance, $250 million to improve land access, and $250 million for eligible minority serving institutions to create career development opportunities

Whites need not apply.


How is this justified? Easy. One word: Reparations

It is a growing trend: Backdoor Reparations.

Having no luck actually passing overt reparations legislation, the Bureaucratic State has decided to move forward anyway by incorporating Reparations into their mission and practices.

In the USDA’s case they are upfront about it:

Equity is not an add-on or extra; it is central. To accomplish this mission, we must, together, build and maintain public trust and confidence among USDA stakeholders that this truly is, in the words of President Lincoln, the “People’s Department”. We must: (1) identify and root out systemic discrimination in USDA programs; (2) ensure equitable access to USDA programs and services for all communities, including by removing barriers to access and working to repair past mistakes that have resulted in economic, social, and racial disparities


Note that last bit: “…repair past mistakes that have resulted in economic, social, and racial disparities”. Can you think of a more convoluted way to say “Reparations”?

Unfortunately, thanks to the puppeteers running the White House and our Uniparty Congress, whenever possible, reparations are being paid. Consider the Department of the Treasury’s recent publication: “Advancing Equity through Tax Reform: Effects of the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2025 Revenue Proposals for Racial Wealth Inequality”. A fascinating read (vomit).

Some of the highlights include:

  • Reason for reparations (they prefer correcting “disparities”) include:
    • White families in 2022 had a higher median wealth than Black or Hispanic families
    • Blacks experienced racism after the War of Northern Aggression, and were often “redlined” to certain areas
    • Blacks own fewer stocks, homes, and businesses than Whites
    • More Whites benefit from the preferential capital-gains tax rate than Blacks. [This last made me laugh. Of course they do! See the previous bullet point! Whites own more assets! It’s like saying a circle is round because it’s a circle. Our government….]
    • Changing appreciated property and inherited assets law to redistribute wealth as “77 percent of White families had unrealized capital gains, compared with 47 percent of Black families and 49 percent of Hispanic families.”

Frankly, the number of examples of how money, aid, and benefits are being shifted from the White majority to the Black minority in the name of “Racial Justice” (code for Reparations), would go on for days. If you are curious or want to know more, simply pick an agency that manages some degree of discretionary spending and search for “racial justice” in that agency’s name. You’ll find it.

This is a result of Biden’s marching orders issued on his first day in office, January 20, 2021: “Executive Order On Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government”.

It is therefore the policy of my Administration that the Federal Government should pursue a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all, including people of color and others who have been historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality. Affirmatively advancing equity, civil rights, racial justice, and equal opportunity…The Federal Government should, consistent with applicable law, allocate resources to address the historic failure to invest sufficiently, justly, and equally in underserved communities, as well as individuals from those communities …

“…allocate resources to address historic failure…” = Backdoor Reparations.

Amerika Erwache!

One response to “Backdoor Reparations”

  1. Dan Schneider Avatar
    Dan Schneider

    The United States government promises equality for all. In other words, every gets an equal chance. It does not promise equal results for all. An equal chance means equality. Equal results mean equity.

    When it comes to getting a piece of the American pie, equity means taking away some from those who the government feels have too much, to give to those they feel don’t have enough. Sounds a bit like redistribution of wealth to me. How very Marxist. I wish the government would take a couple of million dollars from Bill Gates (he wouldn’t even miss it) and give it to me. Not gonna happen. But taking from what we Whites have worked all our lives for and giving to others is happening right now and it is definitely unconstitutional.

    This is also another way of making us pay for the racial “sins” of our forefathers. American law is based on the premise that a man cannot be made to pay the debts of his ancestors. My father died owing $1000 to the hospital. By law, I was not required to pay and I didn’t.

    My family didn’t come to this country until after slavery ended. I know for a fact none of them owned slaves in Europe. Even if some of them did own a slave or two, I am not responsible for that and owe no restitution at all.

    A man is responsible for his own crimes and no one else’s.

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