I apologize that it has taken a little longer to get this post up than would normally be the case.
I’ll be honest. I feel like I’ve tripped on what I thought was a small rock, only to discover it is actually a giant boulder stuck in the ground. I’m still working to uncover the whole boulder. But a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step, so…
It started with a simple question: Who owns America’s farmland?
As highlighted in a previous post, National Socialism holds the family farm to be one of the cornerstones of our culture and society. So, naturally, the ownership of those farms is of critical importance. Also—culture and society aside—we all have to eat. A hungry society is a dangerous society: the reliable and adequate supply of food to its citizens is of fundamental importance for the survival of any civilization.
We’ve heard a lot recently about foreign companies and governments buying American farmland, and I expected to discover an egregious amount of our domestic food supply to be in the hands of foreign nationals. The good news is that this appears to not be the case. The bad news is, it’s worse .
First, some basic facts for perspective:
Today, only 1.3% of Americans still farm.
The government of China now controls more than 400 American farms consisting of a 100,000 acres of farmland, and one out of every four American hogs. This sounds like a lot of land (and certainly is a lot of farms, to say nothing of hogs), but as there are over 1.3 billion acres of agricultural land in the United States, Chinese ownership is far less than 1%.
Total foreign ownership of US agricultural land is 3% or less.
The USDA estimates that at least 30% of American farmland is owned by non-operators who lease it out to farmers. And with a median age for the American farmer of about 55, it is anticipated that in the next five years, some 92,000,000 acres will change hands, with much of it passing to investors rather than traditional farmers.

If foreign nationals are not controlling our farmland, and the number of individually owned farms is decreasing, who owns American’s farmland? Who runs the show? Short answer: Agribusiness. Meet the Big 5 in the US:
5. Deere & Co. : $51.3 Billion annual revenue. Institutional owners (wait for it): Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street
4. Tyson Foods : $53.3 Billion annual revenue. Institutional owners (yep): Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street
3. Bunge Ltd : $67.2 Billion annual revenue. Swiss owned.
2. Archers-Daniels-Midland: $101.8 Billion annual revenue. Institutional owners (oh yeah): Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street
And coming in at number 1:
- Cargill Inc. : $165 Billion annual revenue. Owned by…. One (1) family.

Meet the company controlling the food supply.

Cargill Inc:
- Employees 155,000 people in 65 countries
- Accounts for 25% of ALL US grain exports
- Controls 22% of the meat market in the entire US
- Is the largest privately-held company in the US
- Provides all of the eggs used at McDonald’s as well as the frozen burger patties and McNuggets
- Imports more products from Argentina than any other company in the US
- Produces the feed for Purina and Chow brands
- Controls Mosaic, the worlds top-producer of phosphate fertilizer
- Averages $1.2 Million per year on lobbying
Unfortunately, they have other data-points as well:
- 2000: Cargill plant found to be the source of a 10-state outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes, a pathogenic bacteria
- 2000: Cargill provided meat to Sizzler restaurants contaminated with e. coli bacteria, killing a 3-year old an making many sick
- 2002: Cargil kills 50,000 fish near Martinsburg by dumping hog manure in local waters
- 2001: Cargill subsidiary fined for emissions of pollutants 15 to 50 times the limit
- 2004: Cargill fertilizer plant in Florida dumps 60 million gallons of toxic waste in stream flowing to Tampa Bay
- 2004: Cargill settles lawsuit alleging price-fixing for high-fructose cornsyrup
- 2005: Lawsuit filed against Cargill, ADM, and Nestle for enslaving children in Mali and shipping them to Ivory Coast, where they are forced to work 12-14 hour days with no pay and little food or sleep producing cocoa beans for Cargill.
- 2006: Cargill 218,000 gallons of toxic brine into the San Francisco Bay
- 2007: Cargill recalls 845,000 pounds of contaminated beef after an e. coli outbreak across 15 states
- 2011: Security forces used by Cargill raze village and intimidate men, women, and children in Indonesia after a worker is accused of stealing palm fruit.
- 2012: OSHA cites Cargill for serious violations of worker safety laws.
- 2015: Cargill settles lawsuit alleging price-fixing for road salt in Ohio
- 2018: 78 tons of contaminated beef cause e. coli across the US

You get the idea. These aren’t good people.
An in-depth report of the above can be found here: The Worst Company In The World.

Generally, I try not to tell people what to think. Rather, I prefer to provide the information I have used to form my own opinions, and allow others the opportunity—and respect— to do the same.
That is true here as well. All of the above are simply facts: make of them what you will.
But I will share my thoughts.
I am a National Socialist. As such, I understand that with my rights as an individual comes a responsibility to the culture, race, and society which promotes and preserves those rights. Collectively, the sum is greater than its parts. Because of this, as is clearly articulated on the American Nazi Party’s website, we National Socialists believe in: an honest work ethic (that is, prospering through legitimate effort and not by defrauding or harming others), a clean environment in which to live and to hand down to our children, respect for all classes of workers and their labor, and a community of like-minded individuals committed to the welfare of their family and those around them.

The Family Farm is a central feature of the National Socialist worldview, for it incorporates at a stroke the essence of National Socialism: honest work, community involvement, and stewardship of the environment.
Cargill, and the other companies like them, are the antithesis of this. They worship profit above all and the betterment of a select few at the expense of all others.
In Cargill’s case it is even worse as they cannot claim they are doing “right by the shareholder”: 90% of Cargill is owned by the Cargill family.
Yet even at that, if this one family owned company adhered to the principals of National Socialism (leaving aside the sicking amount of personal wealth for a moment) and helped their neighbors with their needs, treated their workers with respect, provided good and wholesome food to the Nation, protected the environment wherever possible, and gave back in equal measure that which they receive, I could perhaps forgive them. After all, even the NSDAP in the 1930’s recognized the need and reality of large businesses. Just as the individual has a responsibility to the Nation, so too does the company which prospers in that Nation.
But this is not what they do. Instead they pollute the environment, provide contaminated food the People, use slave-labor abroad and underpay workers at home in unsafe work environments.
In a National Socialist state, they would be criminals and treated as such.
10. It must be the first duty of each citizen of the State to work with his mind or with his body. The activities of the individual may not clash with the interests of the whole, but must proceed within the frame of the community and be for the general good.

My final thought is this: given the increasing concentration of agricultural land in this country in the hands of a few mega-corporations, we as a people are increasingly at risk. It does not take a great deal of imagination to envision a scenario where the few corporations who produce and provide most of the food in this country decide they want something (a political outcome, a land grab, favorable tax treatment, exemption from labor laws, etc), and to get it, threaten to reduce or suspend food production. We can live without cell phones, cars, cable tv, twenty-five brands of sneakers in the local mall, choco-vanilla double-pump lattes… heck, even electricity if we had to.
But we need food.

Amerika Erwache!
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