I find keeping a journal useful.
It is something I have done all my life. Not only does it serve as a record of the times and my journey through them, but it is a way to get thoughts out of my head so that I can take a step back and look at them a little more objectively. Sometimes I agree with what I write, and sometimes I don’t. And that is the point: it fosters a degree of reflection and encourages consideration. Often it is written “stream of consciousness” style as opposed to more grammatically correct prose.
This blog is not my journal.
While it offers many of the same benefits as a journal, generally the views expressed and facts presented are more determined, considered, and researched. It has never been my goal to tell the reader what to think, only to give the reader something to think about and the relevant information to do that.
Likewise, I strive to be more grammatically correct in the blog format because: 1) it is for public consumption; 2) to some degree it is a representation of the National Socialist community, and I want to honor that community by presenting it in the best light possible; 3) having a degree in English, I’m a grammar snob. That being said, I am getting older and find myself increasingly suffering from Biden-ism: “you know, the thing”; “Come on man”; “well, anyway, (mumble mumble)…”
So this blog entry is a departure from the norm, being more journalesque than bloggish. A blournal? Jog? I hope you will forgive my self indulgence.

The 4th of July is always a curious time for me. Being an older American, I was raised with a sense of pride in my country; its storied founding and great accomplishments. Indeed, I have more than half-a-dozen ancestors who fought in the American Revolution and am able to trace part of my lineage to the early Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies in 1640. My ancestors have fought in every major conflict. I, myself, served in the US Army. I am directly related to two (possibly four) American presidents.
So, I think it is safe to say I’m about as American as they come.
How then to reconcile my belief that the American system of government and its capitalist underpinning is fundamentally flawed? How can I believe in my heart that the Germans were the “good guys” in both world wars?
The short answer is that America as it was conceived was a great idea- contextually the best of its time. But, once it moved from the Platonic realm of the ideal to the gritty reality of implementation, it became the very thing which it professed to despise: a bloated central bureaucracy run by an elite few at the expense of the many, with no greater goal than the enrichment of the wealthy and legislated by capricious whim.
In short, people who love “America” love the idea of “America”- a place where a person is free from the arbitrary decisions of others, free to choose their own destiny, and free to reap the rewards of their efforts.
The problem is found in “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”. That often quoted dictum falls short of laying the moral underpinning of a successful society- or government. It is simply another way of saying “everyone for themselves”, essentially half of the “All for one…” credo without the accompanying and necessary “…one for all”. In doing so, it ignores the Volk, by which I mean it passes over the simple truth that we do not live our lives alone in a vacuum, but instead, in something like an inverted pyramid: the individual, the family, the community, the nation.
Perhaps in the founding of the country, when the vast majority of the population was European and the rest were either slaves or Indians, the inherently selfish capitalist economic system and trust in the democratic republican form of government worked because a largely rural country was communal by necessity, and many families tended to live, work, and die in the same geographic location. Volk was baked-into-the-cake if you will.
I don’t think it is necessary to belabor the point that this is no longer the case, and hasn’t been for a long time. One need only look around their neighborhood or at the disparity of wealth in this country to see that whatever was implied in the founding principals of America has been lost.
The problem is, the myths of America are still believed. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, rugged individualism, all men are created equal, equal opportunity for all, equal treatment under law… etc.
All noble ideals to be sure. But impracticable. Without a socialist component, we get the Judaeo-Capitalist tyranny we are living under today where it is every man for himself.
Notice, however, that I say “component”. Socialism, in and of itself, by itself, is not the answer. We see this to be true in the half-baked socialist programs today: Welfare, Medicare, Social (in)Security, etc. Socialism as represented by these programs the talking heads supporting them today essentially consists of taking from the “haves” to give to the “have-nots”- regardless if the “have-nots” also participate and contribute to society in a meaningful way. In addition, and perhaps most importantly, this bastardized source of socialism (with heavy communist overtones) is essentially based on the division of the population by class and race. In short, it is a combination of “bread and circuses” to distract the populous, and an attempt to redistribute wealth through emasculating and subtly demoralizing hand-outs.
Gottfried Feder
So terrible a blow to the morale of a nation is only possible and explicable when the whole intellectual foundation of a society is shaken or else false, — and in fact we see that Marxism, Capitalism, and the leaders of our public life all worship the same god—Individualism. Personal interest is the sole incentive, — obtaining advantages for one’s narrow class of life.
The missing component is Nationalism. I do not mean the political/legal structure of the nation-state per se. Nationalism to the National Socialist means a homogeneous society of individuals in the same way a family consists of individual members. It is organic. They are your family. They are like you. What would you not do for your family? Nationalism, then, is the larger expression of the smaller unit, and an extension of ones self, composed of individuals that work toward a common societal structure. Gottfried Feder has a good example:
…The present day doctrine of the construction of society is: Society is the sum of the individuals- the State at its best a convenient aggregation of individuals or associations. We may compare this doctrine of the construction of society to a heap of stones. The only real thing about it is the individual pieces of stone. Its shape is a matter of chance; whether a stone is on top or underneath is indifferent. The result is neither more nor less than a heap of stones.
By the same simile, the State which answers to our National Socialist doctrine of society and philosophy of the State is the house. Speaking mechanically, the house also consists of so many individual bricks- sand, cement, joists, windows, doors, floors, etc. But any one can see that a house, a room is a higher entity, something new and peculiar and complete in itself, more than a mere sum total of bricks heaped together. … The Community before the Individual… It is only by serving the general interest as a member of the national community that the individual awakes to a higher life, each one in his own place.
Reading between the lines, one can see why the National component must be coupled with the Socialist if we are to avoid the Communist expression of Socialism found in America today. Buy coupling individual benefit (Socialism) with individual responsibility to the community (Nationalism), we avoid the problems in our current social structure; everything can be means-tested: does a course or choice of action serve only the individual? Fine. Does it do so at the expense of others in the community? If yes, then that is not fine.
Where I got hung up for a while was running the means test in the opposite direction. Using the means-test above, what if a course of action is necessary for the community, but will impact the individual, me, in a way I would not choose? I felt resistance to this.
Then the light-bulb went off: elements of my American upbringing (individualism, self-reliance, etc) were bleeding into the equation. By breaking it down into smaller pieces, family for example, it suddenly made sense. I sacrifice for my family all the time. I do so because it is necessary for the well-being of my family. We all do this, probably so often we don’t even think about it. And as a consequence, we feel pride in our family and rejoice when its members are happy and do well. In return, we feel good and receive reciprocal help and care from them. Likewise with fox-hole buddies, or team mates, or other groups of like-minded individuals which, together, form something greater. And so it is with the National Socialist family. For that family, too, I would be willing to sacrifice and feel good about myself doing it, knowing I was helping what is, essentially, my extended family. This quickly heads into the concept of Volksgemeinschaft, which I will explore further in a later post.
But what of Freedom! Americans cherish Freedom. At its core, we believe America is the “Land of the Free”. People were slaves in Nazi Germany, yes?
No. In many ways, they were more free than we are.
Are we free in a country where we must work until mid-Spring to cover our taxes for the year? Current estimates show that every dime the average American makes from January 1 to April 18 goes to the government. And in return, that money is spent how? Did you know that the Federal agencies, in 2018, spent $673,471 on golf carts? How does that help the Greater Good? How free are you to say “enough is enough” and not pay your taxes, keeping in mind that the government just armed its IRS agents?
Are we free in a country where we have no real guarantee that, after a lifetime of work (and paying taxes), we will be able to retire and still have a place to live and food to eat? They did in National Socialist Germany.
Are we free in cities where you are taking a serious risk to your life if you walk the streets at night? The penalties for Germans harming Germans were so severe that a member of the Volk could walk the street at night without fear of harm.
Are we free on farms along the southern border that are overrun with drug-mules, and YOU will be arrested if you take up arms to do anything about it? In the National Socialist creed, the family-farm is the cornerstone of society and to be protected at all costs.
And so on. Consider where you are in life, and ask yourself, how free are you?
In a National Socialist society, all of these problems- and many others- go away.
So, while I celebrated the 4th like most Americans , I did so knowing that- in my heart- I would prefer a transformed America, founded not on democracy and capitalism, but instead, National Socialism.

There is more that can be said. But this seems a good place to stop for now. I have been wanting to write this for quite some time- to get it “journaled” out of my head. I’m hoping that, if nothing else, it gives you something to think about. The points raised here, and many others, are something I think about everyday. As an American, it can be difficult to acknowledge the fundamental flaws in our system. We are raised to believe it is the best country, and system of government, in the world. We swear allegiance to the Flag. Many of us put on the uniform and serve.
But at some point, one must take a step back and appraise the situation. And it is proper to do so, if for no other reason than we have one thing the Founding Fathers did not have: historical perspective. They were hoping for the best, not knowing how it would work out. We can now look back and see what they could not: the true fruits of their labors.
To learn more, I do highly recommend the ANP’s website. In addition, the works of Gottfried Feder can be found on the Internet Archive.
Thank-you for your indulgence. We now return to our regularly scheduled programming. 😉
Amerika Erwache!
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